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Al'Nair Magellan

Al'Nair Magellan

At an early age, Al'Nair Magellan showed how curious of a mind he has. It was w. Leaving the family farm and business, much to his parent's disapproval, he sought off to the Academy of the Honored Past to begin his learning.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Typically forgetting to eat and spending the majority of his time with scholarly pursuits, Alnair lacks the strength of a typical man and has a thin and wiry build. He isn't particularly tall for a human, standing at 5'10", but he isn't short by any standards either.

Body Features

With tanned brown skin,

Identifying Characteristics

Al'nair wears a pair of slightly cracked spectacles. He does have bad vision but for some reason, he refuses to replace his eyewear. When his sleeves are rolled up, his Druidic tattoos are visible.

Physical quirks

Always seem to smell of cinnamon bark.

Apparel & Accessories

Al'nair wears a pair of cracked brass spectacles he refuses to replace. Along a pair of bronze lanceolate earrings, he also wears a number of rings, bracelets, and necklaces. He enjoys to wear comfortable clothing, typically dark colored clothes to mask any dirt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

At an early age, Al'Nair Magellan showed how curious of a mind he has. It was w. Leaving the family farm and business, much to his parent's disapproval, he sought off to the Academy of the Honored Past to begin his learning.


Though he does find women attractive, he caught himself staring at a few men before. That is until his attention was divert to something else.


During his early childhood, he was taught the basics in education by his parents. Just enough to help around in the farm and to do errands in town. Following that, he taught himself through the analysis of the natural world around him. With
After the discovery of his book, he leftt home to enroll into the Academy of the Honored Past.

Personality Characteristics


Self motivated to discover and understand the inner workings of the natural world, the celestial bodies, and the discarded past. He is driven by his curiosity and love of scholar pursuits. The more he learns, the more questions he has, which in tail makes him want to learn more. He is trapped in curiosity's inherent paradox.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Dirt
  • Celestial Bodies
  • Overly sweet things
  • Jewelry and ornaments
  • Reading and books
  • Darkness
  • Fruit and Fish
  • Spicy Food
  • Meat

Personality Quirks

Laughs and smiles nervously whenever he is uncomfortable


Al'Nair tries to keep himself as clean and presentable but his nature of digging through the dirt or sleeping outside, makes it a bit difficult. Despite the dirt on him, he always seem to smell of cinnamon bark.


Contacts & Relations

Eltanin: Al'nair's best friend and travel companion. He has been with Al'nair for years now. He is also a golden armidillo lizard. Avikis Magellan: Is Al'nair's father. A stern hard working man.
Alasia Magellan: Is Al'nair's mother.
Lyra Magellon: Is Al'nair's older sister
Aquila Magellon: Is Al'nair's youinger sister.
Cygni Magellon: Is Al'nair's youngest sister.
Aliya Milan: Al'nair's ex. Was fed up with his personality, especially with how little he paid attention to her when he got into one of his moods. Riya Tannous: Another ex. Was also fed up with his personality and inability to share his attention with her. Complained how there is no room in his heart for a third love.

Family Ties

His relation with his family is a bit strained. He did not leave them on the best of terms and though he writes them letters frequently, he never actually sent a single one of them, much to his fear and anxiety. He thinks about visiting them but his attention seems to be always pulled to something else during those thoughts. He loves his family, but he feels he cannot face them as he is now, not after what he did to them.

Religious Views

Al'nair was never the most religious person. When in the circle that was not a propriety to him. But he respects those that have a religion and care for them.

Hobbies & Pets

Eltanin is more than a pet to Al'nair, he is a best friend.
Al'nair loves to star gaze.


Soft spoken tone. Becomes enthusiastic when something of interest is brought up.

Wealth & Financial state

Poor as the dirt he studies. Al'nair money goes into paying any fees he has acquired from the Academy or into replacing all his equipment. He also does not have a permanent residence, essential living outside or in a tavern for the most part. Though he isn't stingy with money, he tries to save up every copper.

An extremely curious individual. He battles between his two loves, the earth and the sky, leaving very little room for anything else.

Current Location
View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
18th of the 9th Month
A Farm in The Sticks
Heterosexual Male
Gold Brown
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
169 lbs
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Druidic
  • Elven
  • Draconic

A Journey's Start.

I woke up a little too late. I really need to get a better sleep schedule. But how can I do such a thing when the night calls for me. I rather have no ounce of sleep then be deprived of the stars... I ended up by the church just in the knick of time where the rest of the party, Anders and Izo, and a paladin named Ricky were waiting for me. They did not look irritated at my late arrival. But I certainly was, for one, I took time to write my thoughts in this journal as usual. And two, my stomach was, is, growling...I should have eaten something. More bad habits...   We exchanged greetings before quickly being ushered into the boat with this large box. The rest of the party doesn't seem too talkative. That's okay. I figured I can just enjoy the nice calm ride in these pleasant warm waters in the Belid River. I never been on a boat before.   ((Some terrible hand writing)) Oh god...I was so wron. So vry wron! Wht in hecens iis wron wit me?! I cannot keep it in me! Somone help me. Plese! Angone! Izo patted me I think. I think he was trying to soothe me. I can hear Anders say somethng abot snekes in the river following the boat. OOh gods. Oh hevans above and below. I never thought it wold be so terrible to not have my see legs! I just want to lie down and have this stop! I am going to miss the clear night! Somone make it bettr!   Before I knew it. It was the second day. I survived the previous night. I do not know how. As I am not feeling any better. Maybe even worse than the night before. I want this to be over… I immediately started feeling better! I am so happy! FINALLY! Ricky touched me apparently. Not in a bad way. Not like a criminal. But he used his belief in the church to rid me of my ailment. I don't understand why I have such river sickness. But I am just glad to feel amazing again. So glad, I ended up box dancing with Ricky and some others. I just could not contain my new found vigor. And my new found hunger...I ended up eating most of the fruit I brought in my bag for the ship. They offered us some dwarven drink. I didn't want to risk any more sickness but I ended up drinking anyway. Anders was put off towards El. For some reason I think he thinks Eltanin is a threat. Which is one of the most preposterous things I have heard. But despite that, it was a good time...For the most part at least. The rest of it was a bit painful. Suddenly, Izo grabbed me by the throat like a mad man! And pushed my head to face the trees. He pointed. And then I saw what he wanted me to see. Eyes. scores of eyes watching us with great intensity. I told Anders of what our silent friend was trying to say. We all felt it. The fear of the unknown. We could not make a decision on what to do. I brought out my star crystal I found during an excavation. It has numerous constellations inside of it. But if I focus on it, it can provide me light, light a foe, and more importantly, it provides me with insight of my actions and the future. I have to thank my teachers once again. I focused on the idea of stopping our boat. And the star crystal shined with a terrible purple glow. The thought of us making contact with what is in the dark is now the furthest thing I want.   It's the third night and though we are now acute to being observed, we still couldn't decide. They kept following and watching us. One of the party used some sort of contraption with a spyglass and stared into the eyes filled with darkness. What happened next was unexpected. He sketched a depiction of our watchers. Originally we thought of the lizardfolk. Possibly we threaded into their territory though I did not hear that it extended this far. No. It was not them but some sort of snake like humanoid.   Going into the fourth, that night I took watch. This time I remembered to prepare one of the magicks Star Seer Lal'Vin taught me to clearly see the night sky. I gave it to our silent friend as well. Humans particularly have bad night vision. Though I care to admit, I watched the night sky more than the trees. Yet I noticed that the noises of the jungle seemed to have lessened, as if the area had become eerily quiet in comparison. Or maybe it was my first time really paying attention to it. It just struck me as unusual. I continued to contemplate the quiet even as I ended up helping Ricky with steering and navigating the boat. The waters were getting rougher. Not like the serene calm I felt at the beginning. Though I could not enjoy that calm due to my weak constitution. Then during Anders' time, near the end of the daylight, he spotted some sort of rocky obstruction blocking our path through the river. Waking the rest of us up, we all collectively tried to aid in the escape of crashing against the stones....But we are not sailors. Not by any means. We ended up with a sizable damage to the side of the boat. And to make matters worse. The bag filled with our rations drifted down with the river. None of us were able to grasp it in time.   Anders had some experience with a hammer, but without wood and lumber, this boat will not be repaired and we will be stuck in this part of the jungle. Ricky suggested investigating the old cabin not too far off the banks. I was a little distracted at how noticeably loud the birds were. It seemed strange to me, but maybe that was normal.   Approaching the cabin, we saw that it must have been a few decades, even a century old. And long abandoned. We all tried to take a quick peek inside for any danger and to our surprise, Anders and I noticed something moving about in there. Moving away. During this time, Izo silently took some sort of cautious stance and approached the main door. He opened it and then began investigating inside. He immediately found a green snake under a bed and as it slithered away, he began to mindlessly follow it. I wish I was there to suggest him not to follow strange reptiles but at the time, I was searching the perimeter for any signs of salvageable wooden material and any comings and goings of creatures. I intuitively discovered that one, there happened to be a stack of crates and boxes with some wood that would be good enough to use as repair material; and two, that there is a trail leading up to the front of the house and main door. A trail that bared signs of something, or someone, being dragged into the structure. Inside, my suspicions grew. The place was in disarray, which is in lines with the condition and age of the house, but the rug also showed signs of something being pushed and dragged through the area and into the back of the house where a set of stairs leads to a basement of sorts. I informed my companions. We did not like the looks of things. There is something in the house. Normally I think we would leave things be. But it is getting late. And shipwrights do not work at night.     I brought the star crystal out again. I wanted to ask and ponder about going downstairs to where something is most likely waiting for us. Anders disputed the wording of my thought, adding to the time in the casting. All the while as Izo escaped our sight and walked down the old stairs by himself. By the time we realized where our silent companion went, the crystal fluctuated between white and red lights. By the time we reached the steps, Izo was already opening the door to the basement and entering and examining it. Anders and I made haste to follow him, though a few feet away for safety. We found a whole compound under the house. Anders and Izo try to fiddle with the lock on a nearby door. Anders is surprisingly handy with a set of lockpicks. I wonder where he picked up that skill. Unfortunately there was no time to ask him. Just as the door swung open, a large humanoid snake man slither from another room. He demanded us to leave, yet stared at Anders. You could hear the weight of his hissed words. And Anders began to act unusually. I tried to ask the Snakeman creature to stop and tried to control its movement so he did not slither closer. Unfortunately he resisted my magic and immediately went to swing the dual curved swords at me. A received a large gash on my chest as blood began to quickly ooze out. Izo pulled out some sort of corked bottle and unleashed its contents onto the Snakeman. The immediate area began to fill with a soot colored smoke. He began to use a foreign fighting style. It was marvelous to watch. Yet the Snakeman remained vigilant and full of hostility. Anders, from what I heard of him, was still under control from the Snakeman's magic and kept circling a table in the unlocked room. I have not really harmed a living creature before. But our lives were on the line. This creature was dangerous. Was it right for me to hold onto loosely placed morals in exchange for our safety? I thought not. And grabbed the star crystal, unlocking another technique Star Seer Lal'Vin taught me. It has been a while since I harnessed Heaven's power, and yet my body turned a luminous deep purple and a millions bright dots speckled on me. I have become the night sky. With the transformation complete, several lines began to form on me, outlining the constellation of Ysrn, The Great Divine Archer, who pierced the great darkness that dwelled above the earth with her bow, creating holes in the night sky and illuminating it forever. Using the power of the Archer, I sent a radiant starlit arrow onto the creature, just as it went to attack Izo. But Izo was most fortunate in avoiding the attack. Anders was still controlled but Izo performed a dance of sword swings onto the creature. If I was not so concentrated on my form and magic, I may have stopped to admire such a display. Typically martial prowess is not a thing I...I am getting off track. Izo dealt a heavy blow to the creature, releasing Anders’ mind and control of his body. I quickly released another star arrow from the power of the Archer and then began to chant for a more powerful Guiding Comet onto the Snakeman. The arching stream of light crashed onto the creature, severely hurting him as it pushed him against the wall and greatly lit his figure within the dense smoke cloud we were in. Anders now free in mind, looked onto the smoke and seeing a monstrous figure illuminated within it, unleashed a devastating attack onto him. The sound was thunderous. Loud, awing, and quite painful. Yet the Snakeman still lived. And still desired our heads. He cut Izo with his dual blades, leaving a heavy wound on his legs, and dragged him onto the floor, ready to do much worse. Now at a disadvantage, Izo tried to fight beneath the creature, yet his swings could not connect. Before our silent friend could meet his end, I went to notch another one of the Archer’s Star Arrows, instead in my haste, I just flung my arm at the Snakeman. A brilliant beam of light discharged from the tips of my fingers, leaving a glittery trail as it arched behind the creature and crashed onto it with the great impact. And then I did it again.... The creature soon fell by Izo’s feet. His head embedded into the stone floor. It felt, I do not know how to phrase it in words, but it felt strange to take a living creature’s life. Strange in a dreadful way.   With everyone alive and without any major wounds of needing immediate treatment, we ventured to investigate the basement. I said a quick prayer to the Snakeman, hoping he found peace in his afterlife. Hoping the Chevilar would guide him to where he needs to be. Anders and Izo looked into the unlocked room and discovered a dense glass enclosure, about 12 feet in height and weighing a significant amount. The chamber appeared to have been connected to something in the ground through tubes. And inside the glass was a writhing pile of what seemed to be hundreds of green snakes. Yet they did not move individually like snakes would. They moved together, as if they were all a collective. It was a chilling experience. I can see that my companions did not take fondly to it either. Next to the glass chamber, in a chicken coop like structure, were several large reptilian eggs the size of a human’s head. Anders retrieved on and from what he told me, he took it to the river upstairs and bathed it under the murky waters. But nothing happened to his knowledge. Being reminded that I am not physically strong, I could not take everything like I wanted. I settled for taking two of the eggs. Maybe I can find out more about these creatures. Maybe I can bring someone back here and we can investigate this place further.   Down the other section of the basement looked to be room with some sort of living arrangements: a bed and stand. Passed that was another metal door. Behind the door, were cages of adult sized green snakes. Hundreds of them. This place must have been some sort of breeding grounds. But from what we were told, the Snakemen kidnap others and through some unknown process, procreate. Is this a den for such things? That may explain the drag marks outside and in the house. My companions immediately knew what they wanted to do. And they set off to engulf this basement in flames. I objected to this notion, but my vote and my case were made null. They were already set in their ideas and I could not stop them. All I could do was take anything I could bring back for study and research. I quickly searched the rest of the basement for anything of interest. Taking anything from the living quarters, a scale from the Snakeman, and his curved blades. Luckily, the basement is damp, hot, and humid. Burning it would take some time. Or better or worse.   I would have loved to take the snakes. At the very least, let them live. I understand my companions feelings but I just do not think it was right. As the area began to slowly fill with smoke, in the language of the Star Seers, I recited a long prayer of the dead to all the lost lives. They have committed no evil, yet because of their circumstances of birth, they burned and perished. The Star Seers, through their great wisdom of past and future, once taught me that sons should not pay the price for their fathers’ sins. If this is an incubation lair, then these “children” are new to the world, and in my eyes, have done nothing wrong. It will take some time for me to recover from this.   We quickly gathered what salvaged wood we could find from the ground floor, carting off crates to the bank where our ship is docked. Well less docked than embedded into the rocks. After resting the night, the ship was repaired by midday. Some seemed more capable than others when it came to carpentry and shipwrighting. I will not point any fingers though as I have no talent either. I should see my father. It’s been some time since we last spoke with each other.   Back traveling down the river, taking watch as the previous days and nights, we were back to “normalcy.” Until we spotted what seemed to be figured hanging from the tree line. And on closer inspection, it was a much horrid and ghastly sight than anticipated. They were the decomposed, skinless, flayed bodies, hanging on branches by a noose. Done purposely. It was a warning. Whomever or whatever put those poor souls there, they wanted to let us know of something. What that something is was unclear. But what was clear was the feeling it gave us. We were entering a territory with more enemies. We best make ourselves more careful.   With the thought of the gruesome warning, and us losing a day due to the crash and the repairs, on the sixth day, we finally reached our destination, Callune. It was a small and dare I say shabby and shifty town. And in my defense, it is not the best looking town. But then again I have not been to many and of course, my home town is not going to win any prizes either, if you like to call Jaipse anything more than a farming hamlet. We docked in the prestige docking district, Oakstare, as the Belid river continued through and passed the town. Ricky and the crew unload their cargo and hand it off to another member of his Church of the Deep, a fellow ranking paladin as himself. They performed a ritual between them. Kind of like a secret handshake. It was quite interesting. More interesting though was the layout of Callune. All the buildings in this town were constructed to be low and consisting of one story. All but one structure. A large and tall imposing tower that looked upon all of the town and the jungle. This Panopticon, as I am calling it as it can see everything around it, seemed oppressive just by slightly gazing at it. Why did the town need such a monument? What is the Panopticon’s actual purpose? It has only been six days since we left, and the number of questions I have has increased.  


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