Earth by Night

Vampires view the world quite differently from mortals. Theirs is a world of blood, hunting, and death at every twist and turn both within their memories and without in their culture. Navigating the world of the modern day is a labyrinthine contest of wills and forethought, though it is easier than it had been centuries prior. Vampires, however, are creatures of habit and old lessons passed down from past generations.

Lesson, The First: Cities

Vampires dwell in cities and towns, but build up their society in a feudalistic system used since the fall of Rome: Cities. Cities are ruled by a Vampire of age, connections and temporal power often called a Prince regardless of gender. Travel between Cities is the anomaly, not the norm. Communication is rapid, but untrusted if not in a physical form because of identity theft. Seals, ciphers, couriers, all the sixteenth century espionage couple with cold war spycraft that Vampires use is not an unnecessary affectation. Every piece upholds the Masquerade, the highest law of Vampire-kind: the First Tradition.

Lesson, The Second: Laws and Traditions

Vampires in any City must obey the rulings of the Prince and Councils, which make up the body of Laws of any Princedom. Laws can be broken, however, and sometimes those breaches can be forgiven or explained away or covered up. Traditions are more important, more immutable. Vampires have only three Traditions all of which are short, sweet, and to the point. You cannot argue, explain, or excuse a failure to uphold them. These three pillars uphold our entire society. Three pillars bear the weight of a culture of monsters. Where did they come from? There is no common origin story. No one remembers a time before them. Eternal they remain. Who first spoke the words? Some whisper the name “Camarilla,” but it hits the cold ear the way “Camelot” touches the warm. When we raise our heads, above the immediate keen of Beast and Blood, we might see the mystery of ages twining above in the distant dark. Yet without them, we are ashes in the wind.

The First Tradition: Masquerade

Do not reveal your true nature to those not of the Blood.

Doing so forfeits you your claim to the Blood.

The Second Tradition: Progeny

Sire another at the peril of both yourself and your progeny.

If you create a childe, the weight is your own to bear.

The Third Tradition: Amaranth

You are forbidden from devouring the heartsblood of your Kindred.

If you violate this commandment, the Beast calls to your own Blood.

Lesson, The Third: Politics

The City is ruled in a feudal style of lords but not by Lords alone. Though in some cities this is not true. The Prince grants regions of the the city to a regent that is usually some presumptuous title that they wrote themselves. Regents then parcel land rights out as smaller Demesnes and those lords parcel out individual Havens and Feeding Grounds. These rights are earmarks of status within the City, while every citizen is guaranteed a place within the City, not everyone is guaranteed a Haven, or exclusive feeding rights. Those without the power or status to have them stay in shitty little communal areas and feed in the Racks like the little commoners they are. Status is earned or taken, not freely given, and must be defended. Blood greases the wheels but guts, sets them in motion. Blood and guts will get you where you want to be regardless of age: Neonate to Methuselah.

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