Flesh Form

(Protean ••, Resilience •)

Flesh Form allows the Nhang to inhabit the body of her victim. She does not put on the flesh as though a suit, but instead consumes the body completely and uses it to shape her own form. The Nhang must empty the victim of his blood and devour the body to take his shape.

Cost: 3 Vitae/day

Dice Pool: None

Action: Instant

Duration: Indefinite

The Nhang becomes identical to her victim in both look and sound but does not necessarily gain the ability to adopt the person’s demeanor or attitudes without prior study. The Nhang’s transformation lasts until she decides to return to her original form. The Nhang must spend the Vitae cost to maintain the shape each night when she awakens or otherwise revert to her normal state.

For each week the Nhang remains in her stolen form, the body ages by a decade. There is nothing she can do to prevent this, as the flesh she consumed decays inside her. The Water Serpent may retain the form long after it would naturally die based on the rate of aging, but she soon begins to look like a shambling corpse.

This Devotion costs 1 Experience to learn.


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