
It begins with a Hunt for a mortal with some manner of Magic - so obviously they call the Iron Masters. A mortal with magic is dangerous, but one that killed a vampire and made no ripples in the spirit is a low-ish priority. So a novice Pack is assigned. These young Wolves and Wolfblooded are young and eager to prove themselves, so they accept "the challenge".

It proves to be a real one.

Whoever they are hunting has a group. They have guns and other assets and some knowledge of how to use them. This group is hunting the Pack as the Pack is hunting the Vamp-slayer. And stranger still is that this group is the prey for something else, that's even meaner.

Plot points/Scenes

The Call

Social Encounter
  • Doors: 2 to 2
  • Caller's Intent: Get the Norwood Pack to Hunt this guy.
  • The Hunt

  • 5 Successes to Catch
  • Down from 7
  • The Fight

  • Hunter
  • Beat Cop
  • Hit Man
  • Related Organizations


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