
Mental characteristics

Personal history

Embraced while still a maiden, she was chosen for her grace and beauty and the Bite that turned her is said to have hardened her heart. Given the chance to imbibe the blood of the vampire that made her, she chose violence. When her Amaranth was discovered, she killed those sent to bring her to Justice. The Beauty became a Beast in nature until she met her family years after her death and disappearance. Others came and her family shielded her as best they could and she witnessed violence and then committed so much more the fields are still called the bloody fields in modern ireland. Her fathers last words to her were that she was his 'beloved daughter' and she took up the name Inghean as her own, abandoning what she had been known as.

Or at least, that's how the story goes. As language changed, grew and evolved, Inghean became Innogean became Imogen. No one has discovered her real least, no one anyone else can find.

Mental Trauma

The truth of it is that Imogen has known more grief and heartache than most her age, and more than many of her elders. Imogen clung to her tribe, and watched it die, dissolve, and become unrecognizable. She embraced young women who were denied the fullness of their lives otherwise, whether by war, famine or crime. She is the only one left alive, save her one daughter in Torpor.

Prior to coming to Chicago she was abandoned by her Childer and left with a scant dozen Vampires who barely knew the Warrior Queen that started their line. The promise of a new life in America was tempting and these childer who had no real lessons in preserving their herds accidentally killed dozens on the voyage over. Dozens of mortals that she had sought out and enticed, fed and housed, clothed and cared for, paid an outrageous price for transatlantic passage for at her personal expense, killed by her Vampires. Their own kin! The journey was a heartbreak nightly, and Imogen kept going through it all. Even when she summarily executed her own great-grand-childer with tears of blood streaming down her porcelain face, she kept going.

Only to arrive in Chicago to meet an overwhelming force she cannot seem to win against. To witness six of the seven Childer that survived everything else die at the hands of Vampires, Werewolves, and Mages. And Faeries! The gods-damned, children's tales from ages past in the flesh, wrapping thorns around the throats of her kin. Sometimes the requiem dirge must end, and sometimes it seems like its all crashing down. Like everything one has worked so long and so hard to achieve is all for nothing. And then her only surviving great-great-grand-childe called in an old favor and the odds evened. And just a half-decade later the stalemate broke out into peace - again because of Bridget and her connections.

To lose so much and achieve so little of what she set out to do might have broken other women, other Kindred. But Imogen recognized her faults and bad decisions and decided to change her games to match her plays. Imogen is haunted by her losses, true, but she is still pushing forward and that means something.


Contacts & Relations

Imogen has been in Chicagoland for eight solid decades, and is coming to the end of her ninth. She has focused on consolidating her power of Blood Sorcery and the political standing of the Mother's Army. Right now, she envies the Dead Wolves' tie to the Forsaken of Chicagoland, and is seeking stronger ties but finds their hierarchy strange to fathom.

Social Aptitude

Imogen is not skilled socially, and rarely pays too close attention to the politicking or modern culture. She still has the face and slim form of a maiden, and often uses looks to lure in her prey, but in her breast beats the heart of a beast. Her disdainful poise for the vitality, virility and skill her favored prey display on a field of games draws them too her, seeking to impress the ice princess. Lately, she has noticed more comments from the boys she feeds on calling her Khaleesi or Mother of Dragons... While that last one was insulting she wisely chose not to explain and she did not break the Masquerade, but it was a close thing. Some have called her "Sear-y" like the voice within the phones, but she doesn't know why yet.

Year of Birth
850 AD 703 Years old
Somewhere in Ireland


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