
This Devotion is the first one learned by the Bohagande bloodline of the Gangrel Clan. It bestows a curse on the subject and it forms the basis for most of their dark powers.

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(Obfuscate ••)

The most basic curse of Sunnikuse, this Devotion blights the vampire’s victim with a mark of ill fortune, concealing him from spirits of good luck. The vampire must touch her victim to apply this curse (Vampire: The Requiem, p. 177).

This Devotion costs 2 Experiences to learn.

Cost: 1 Vitae
Dice Pool: Wits + Subterfuge + Obfuscate vs. Composure + Blood Potency
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive

Roll Results

  • Dramatic Failure: The spirits take offense to the vampire’s meddling in fate, inflicting her with the Cursed Condition.

  • Failure: The vampire fails to mark her victim.

  • Success: The victim takes the Cursed Condition.

  • Exceptional Success: The victim’s curse is a particularly nasty one, and the Condition lasts the night.
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