Legion of the Green

Composed heavily of members of the Weihan Cynn and displaced Roman Kindred from the Cult of the Augurs and the Peregrine Collegia, the Legion of the Green is the prominent force within the Courts of Night, a confederation of allied lords undergoing the uneasy transition between the gatherings of the Camarilla and the rival fiefdoms of the new world. Their elders, in recognition of their authority, are gifted with aliases drawn from the cults and legends of Britannia, with the rulers of each fief given the suffix “of the Green” to make their status clear. In Gwynedd to the west, Math of the Green holds court, a shapeshifting seer that speaks to animals. In Caer Baddan, Sulis of the Green leads a cult of mortal warriors, reaping praise with her majestic presence and the healing power of her Vitae.

Across the sea in Ulster, Conall of the Green commands men and beasts alike as he battles for dominion. Across Britannia, the Lords of the Green fight to claim a land for themselves, sometimes allied with the Lost and sometimes in direct competition, in much the same way Kindred ally and fight with each other. For the Legion, the line between vampire and changeling becomes increasingly blurred, deceived by their own arrogance and the honeyed words of the Lost into thinking they are equals in the fae courts.

In order to distance themselves from the Legio Mortuum, the warriors among the Legion of the Green have cultivated a warrior caste inspired by the legends of the Green Man. The mantle of the Green Knight, the immortal warrior that hunts on legs of four and two, is a useful pseudonym for Kindred that need to influence the wars and courts of humanity directly. When armies clash, the Green Knights charge from the mists on horseback, declaring for no man and fighting for a cause of their own before retreating back into the wilds. Their founder, a Bron known as Bertilak of the Green, is even known to stride into the halls of men, challenging potential thralls and childer to match his warrior ideal. The Green Knights of the Legion, in their efforts to steer the fates of men, have earned a growing animosity with the Black Knights of Merlin, and their forces have crossed swords on numerous occasions.

For their mutual protection the Legion relies on strict liege-vassal relationships imposed by a system of blood oaths that will soon form the foundation of the Invictus. For the purpose of purchasing Merits, Kindred Status in the Legion of the Green functions identically to modern-day Status in the Invictus, including access to Invictus Oaths.

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