Menntun i Italia

General Summary

Emma, her retainer Grace, and Omarosa go to Venice.

The Cloth

Emma and Omarosa go to Venice to meet and take etiquette lessons from the long lived ghoul Teodor while staying at the Fangs Inn and practicing socializing with other Vampires. Or at least that was Omarosa's plan. Instead Emma raged at knowing that the Fangs Inn kept girls as slaves for their blood. Emma freed the girls and took them with her when she abruptly left. Omarosa led the group to Teodor's via back alleys to avoid the Dark Doge's henchmen. Omarosa imposed on Teodor for shelter, supplies, and silence, impressing on him her need for these things while promising that her new Childe would foot the bill. The price Teodor demanded was steep indeed - Blood and Coin.

For his silence, and a safe place to stay, Teodor wanted blood - Emma's Blood to sustain him. For the dresses, etiquette lessons, and supplies for the mortals, Teodor wanted coin. After bargaining, Emma was able to convince him that she would be better collecting debts for him. He agreed but required a job done as proof. The target was one that owed him an immense amount of money. Emma agreed to get the money or at least a payment on the debt before the next dawn.

That next night Emma went out hunting the debtor - one Clara von Magdeburg, a Vampire from Germany who came to Venice and bought a hoard's worth of dresses and jewelry through Teodor before leaving her last known Haven. Emma found her and tracked her to a large manor, where she climbed in through a back window. Confronting Clara was easy. Clara immediately volunteered the money and ordered her boy-toy to return with a chest of coins for the enterprising debt collector. While they waited, Clara was surprisingly friendly and nice. Clara had been given a chilly reception at Elysium because of her foreigner status, and she yearned for company and conversation. The two made a swift bargain, that Clara would pay the debts owed to Teodor in order to gain leverage over those that owe him, and Emma would return nightly to converse with Clara. Emma returned to Teodor with the debt paid in full, to his shock and amazement.

Report Date
09 May 2024


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