
A Neonate is a young Vampire in their first century of unlife, now passed their Fledgling years and having begun the monotony of autonomy, for eternity presumably. Their first century is usually one of struggle against the gravitas of one's own mortal life and the needs of their Requiem. Each night is hard but slowly becomes routine as over that first century a Neonate begins to carve out a niche of their own within the city. The Neonate is used as a pawn and a workhorse by their elders, relying on them to get their freshly-dead hands dirty as much as the Neonates rely on the generosity of their elders to build their own Havens and Herds and secure status in their Clan and Covenant. But a Struggle shared is a Burden lightened and vice-versa, and so most Neonates choose to group with like minded individuals to form a Coterie.



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