Realm of Winsome

The Realm of Winsome has been around for decades, nearly a century. A girl named Alice was the first to enter that part of Arcadia, though what followed in the books was largely hokum, stories spun to ensure no one questioned what really happened. The truth is that the hedge offers refreshments and a tiny way out. It's a trap. Drinking and eating and passing through means shrinking and beatings and playing too.

Past the door that is a gate and never again a door is a wide ever-green lawn of too-perfect grass whose blades draw blood. Sprawling beyond the field of hungry grass a massive mansion, unrealistically beautiful and utterly false, lit by a distant and unmoving sun. A giant lazily lay beyond the mansion, sometimes sleeping sometimes reaching in with its wretched poorly painted fingers to snatch one of us - it's dollies. Beyond the dollhouse and grounds is death as leaving the grounds turns us into the girls' dolls in full. The soul is ripped away, consumed by something other, and the corpse turns to plastic with its face a smiling rictus.

Geopolitical, County / March


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