The Towers Clan

The Towers Family as the modern world knows it is detailed here.

The truth of the Towers family is here.

The story of the Towers family is here.

What you young pups need to know is right in front of you. The Towers Clan is more than the Towers family. It contains three powerful families descended from a motley assortment of people. And while it all started a thousand years ago, the name was only given five centuries ago at the same time as our Curse.

The Towers family is not normal. Neither are their associated and inter-related families. The Towers are cursed with a capital c. Their Curse is complex but simply stated by the Witch that cursed them.

The Towers will only ever bear three sons yet hunger eternally for more - and on the last's majority the other two Towers are doomed to fall.

This means that only one son of the Towers family will ever live when all have reached their majority, and that son will bear the Curse on his offspring, which he will always have many of. Some of the Towers men have tried to escape this fate but none ever have.

They do have a work-around though. Every generation there is a Tournament. When the third son reaches the age of maturity, or other criteria are met, there is a massive gathering of anyone and everyone even distantly related to the Towers line. Then they have a massive tournament beginning with a battle royale where half of the competition is eliminated. When a person surrenders, they are moved off the field of combat. The point of surrender is different to each person and based on their choice. When half of the competition is eliminated, the fighting turns to ranked combat brackets. In the end only one male remains standing - That is the next son to bear the Towers name. The others become Spires if they lasted past the battle royale, and Kastali if they were eliminated during the battle.

Once names are legally changed, the males are unaffected by curse. The misogynistic witch's curse says nothing about Towers women, and so those that make it to the last male match-up are allowed to keep the name until married or pregnant.

Making a Towers Character:

To really make a Towers Clan character, which can be any kind of character, of any supernatural type or none at all, the key is in the Merits.

  • Giant is free. It is a three dot merit.
  • Vice-ridden is free. But it is always some variety of 'Lust' and not engaging in it costs a willpower.
  • Both of these merits are born by all Towers - or at least the capacity for them. They can be taken whenever the name is taken. But there are more and better merits that reflect the Towers Clan character archetype.

  • Contacts (Towers Clan)
  • Allies (Towers Clan)
  • Mentor (Family Member)
  • True Friend for any of the above
  • Support Network (Towers Clan)
  • Scarred
  • Body as Weapon
  • Punchdrunk
  • Air of Menace
  • The fact is that Towers Clan members call each other for information and keep a live chat going all the time. Odds are no one knows anything useful other than a bad dad joke or twelve, but it's worth a shot. Also true is that a Towers will help a Towers at the drop of a hat. And there's always somebody being nosy and telling you how you can do better. But family is like the unwanted addiction you can't kick. And they're always there to talk and help. But being in a family of Werewolves, Mages, and more can dish out the trauma to a real deep point too. Add to that a warrior-culture of appreciating violence and the precise application of it, and you get characters who can dish it out and take it, and whose very presence sets others on edge.

    This article has no secrets.


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