

Atar is an enemy of demons and the gods of darkness. He is not a friendly deity, but symbolizes light and both the good and the destructive nature of flre. Like Vayu, Atar is a semi-elemental creature, with contacts and power in the elemental realms. He is a flerce warrior god and the chief competitor of Verethraghna in the fleld of battle. Some legends refer to Atar as the son of Ahura Mazda, but that was due to the confusion between the names "Atar" and "Asha." 
This god and his brother, the Hindu god Agni, were created by a supernatural entity from the Elemental Plane of Fire. Their "father"  was some sort of elemental ruler, far more powerful than even the typical greater elemental intelligence. 
As a result, he bestowed upon the two brothers several elemental abilities. 
Atar will be interested in developments in Rifts Earth. He still does not understand technology, but he will learn quickly, and will soon start using energy weapons. He stands on the side of the Gods of Light, although he represents a more impersonal, amoral force (remember, flre is both a symbol of civilization and destruction). 
He is very jealous of Asha who also claims to have some control over flre. Historically, worshippers of Ahura Mazda and his progeny started to forget Atar and the fIre god will never forgive that offense. Ahriman may be able to trick Atar into joining in a conspiracy against Asha.   
God of Fire