Balder the Noble


Of all the Norse gods, Balder is the most dedicated supporter of the cause of the Gods of Light. The god was killed through Loki's treachery. Balder had a vision of his own doom. His mother, the goddess Frigga, had woven a mystic magic spell that prevented all things from hurting him. 
Loki, however, discovered that Frigga had overlooked one small mistletoe plant when protecting her son. When the other Asgardians were amusing themselves by throwing spears and axes at the invulner­able Balder, Loki handed a blind Asgardian by the name of Hod a shaft made of mistletoe. Hod hit Balder and killed him instantly. His soul was taken by Hel, and she wouldn't give him up unless all living things pleaded for the god's life. With Loki's interference, that request proved impossible to fulfill. 
  That was the end of Balder, as far as the legends go. Centuries later, however, Odin, sensing dangerous times ahead for Asgard, issued Hel an ultimatum for the life of Balder, whom he would need in the days to come. 
Hel, not wishing to enrage Odin any more than she had, relented and let Balder go. Since then, the god has proven his worth, helping Asgard against invasions and fighting for the forces of light. 
Balder is a staunch defender of all sapient races against the crimes and abuses of evil gods, demon lords and alien intelligences. All the other gods respect Balder's judgment and are a little bit ashamed by his example of moral strength. Only Freyr believes as solidly in the same principles and of the Norse gods only these two are truly dedicated upholders of the cause of light throughout the Megaverse (most Norse gods are mainly concerned with Asgard and crimes against it).