

Cihuacoatl is a deity of the Earth and fertility. She is the oldest of the gods and a harsh mistress for deities and mortals alike. She was thought to be a symbol of agriculture, but was horrific in that she devoured the corpses of the dead and then caused the soil to produce new life in return. She was one of the first deities to create the link between death and life, which led to sacrificial rituals.
The goddess has been satisfied to let her children deal with humankind with little interference. Occasionally, she would wander the roads in the guise of a beautiful woman and claim one or two lives. Like most Aztec gods, she demands a terrible price for whatever gifts she provides.   Over the centuries, Cihuacoatl has traveled to different parts of the Megaverse. She met a world populated by Nagas and became their tutelary deity. She now can command a huge army of those creatures in a campaign of conquest.
She also met Herakles in one of her travels, and the Greek god decided she was a monster and attacked her. The fight ended inconclusively, but Cihuacoatl now hates all of the Greek gods and has taken the trouble to learn a great deal about them - at some point she plans to attack them.
The goddess will aid Tezcatlipoca in his bid to control Mexico, but she has an agenda of her own. She finds the Splugorth a great deal more interesting and capable allies than the vampires.
A frequent visitor to Atlantis, Cihuacoatl and Splynncryth have become relatively good friends, and, according to malicious rumors, more than friends.
Cihuacoatl plans to help the vampires at first, but will then cause civil war and strife. She is likely to use TIazolteol in her schemes , because she is very loyal to the Earth goddess. Cihuacoatl believes her sons will fall in line when they have no choice but to work with the Splugorth.
Mother knows best, after all.

Recently , Cihuacoatl has heard of a group of creatures that have been called the Children of Cihuacoatl. These beings are actually aliens from another dimension. The goddess is considering approaching them and trying to become their patron and ruler. If she manages this, she will have technologically advanced minions at her disposal.   
Earth Goddess 
Mother of the Gods 
Deity of Earth and Fertility