

Freya is Freyr's twin sister. She is beautiful and gentle, but she is not as dedicated to fighting evil as her brother. She far prefers to enjoy herself. Freya served for a while as Odin's chief valkyrie where she learned the skills of a warrior, but decided that she didn't like that life.    Her looks, as well as her wondrous necklace, the Brisingamen, earned her the title of goddess of love. 
In all pantheons, most goddesses of love have a bad reputation, often deservedly so. In Freya' s case, her reputation does not quite match her lecherous attitude. A former lover of Odin's, Freya has been intimate with several gods, dwarves, and warriors of Valhalla. On the other hand, unlike other goddesses, she is neither possessive or spiteful. If turned down, she usually moves on without anger or thoughts of revenge; there's plenty more where he came from, that's her philosophy. 
Five years ago, Freya disappeared from Asgard. No clues could be found either through magic or mundane means. Odin fears that the goddess may have been abducted by the giants. Other gods think that she's probably on a tryst with some deity or other, and simply did not bother to tell anybody about it. 
The truth is far more complicated. Freya did have an affair with none other than Zeus, the leader of the Greek pantheon. He found the directness of this Viking firebrand quite appe­aling. Regrettably, Hera, Zeus' bitter and insane wife, found out about the affair and sought revenge, ambushing Freya on her way out of Olympia. 
Hera and several minions captured the goddess and force-fed her a powerful potion designed by Eros. The potion made her hate and fear the company and touch of men to the point that when Freya woke up she was disgusted and terrified by the very memories of her various affairs. 
She has been hiding in a barren dimension near Hades for years, contemplating suicide but not desperate or insane enough to do so. Hera also stole the Brisingamen from the goddess and wears it when nobody else is around. When this crime is discovered, it may lead to a war between the two pantheons.  
Goddess of Love and Beauty