

This god, a son of Njord, was the protector of crops in Norse myth. 
Freyr was also a warrior god armed with a powerful sword. The god was very different from most of the other Norse gods in that he preferred peace above all things and preferred to negotiate rather than engage in combat. 
Although the other gods could not doubt his bravery, they did not like his pacifistic ways. Only Balder completely accepted him as his friend and ally. 
Freyr is the only Asgardian who works closely with the other Pantheons of Light. He believes that Ragnarok involves not only the Norse pantheon but is a symbol of a much greater struggle. He feels that if his fellow deities do not ally themselves with the forces of good, they will be overwhelmed. The theory has not gained ground with Odin, who refuses to believe that his visions - which did not involve other gods - could be wrong. 
The two gods have had many discussions but Odin will not help the other pantheons, nor does he expect help from them. Freyr works for the most part, on his own. He frequently travels to other dimensions to speak with other Gods of Light. Sometimes he has gained valuable information in those talks, and he has shared it with Odin, so the All-Father will soften his views on such diplomatic liaisons. Only Balder agrees with Freyr's beliefs and ideals.   
God of Sun 
God of Rain