

Hel is the name of the realm of the dead and of the goddess that presides over it. Hel was the bringer of dishonorable death, and was not worshipped but feared by the Vikings of old. She is a Goddess of Darkness, destined to sally forth against Asgard during Ragnarok. As a rival of Odin, Hel will do what she can to hurt the Asgardians in hopes of weakening them when the fmal fated battle occurs. She hates Balder most of all because she had him in her clutches once and was forced to give him up. Hel wishes to have him again.   As a creature of darkness, the Goddess of Death has made alliances with many other pantheons of evil. She has also made agreements with the Splugorth who sometimes raid Asgard. Both sides have kept their side of the bargains and Hel remains friendly towards several Splugorth lords. 
Unknown to everyone, the goddess is fascinated by the Mechanoid race. Since she cares little for life, she sees the Mechanoids' appetite for destruction to be both titillating and useful to her. The more beings the cyborgs kill, the more life essences she will be able to capture in her realm, which increases her power. 
She has often travelled to areas controlled by the Mechanoids, concealed by spells of silence and invisi­bility, and has studied their ways. Hel has hired Splugorth bio-wizards to construct for her a new, non-human body. When they are finished, she will transfer her soul into the non-bipedal construct and approach the Mechanoids as a potential ally. The mad goddess will then open rifts and dimensional gateways to allow the Mechanoids to flood the Megaverse and bring about Ragnarok!   
Goddess of Death