

This god of war and the sun was not as cruel as Tezcatlipoca or Tlaloc, but he also demanded human sacrifices, usually of captive warriors who were disemboweled on his blood-spattered altars. Huitzilopochtli was quick to anger and retaliation, and enjoyed the rigors of warfare, especially against supernatural enemies. This warrior deity often defended the pantheon against incursions by other gods or alien intelligences.
When Quetzalcoatl was overthrown, the god decided to back Tezcatlipoca, mostly to maintain unity in the pantheon. As a warrior, Huitzilopochtli believed that a divided pantheon would be easy prey for its enemies.
He feels badly about the fall of the Aztec Empire and he wept when he saw so many brave warriors massacred by the steel and gunpowder weapons of the Europeans. Yet of all the main gods, he is the least eager to reconquer Earth. He believes their time on this planet has passed and they should move on. Still, he will follow the pantheonwherever it goes.
As a god of the sun, Huitzilopochtli is philosophically opposed to vampires and other night monsters (unlike Tezcatlipoca who is a god of the dark). He hates vampires and does not like the idea of an alliance with them, but as usual, will support the pantheon. It is ironic that he and Tlaloc could be the greatest vampire hunters on the planet, Huitzilopochtli bringing the light of day to them in the middle of the night, yet they are planning to join forces with these loathsome creatures.   
God of War 
God of the Sun