

Loki is a complex character. On the one hand, he seems to hate the gods and is always plaguing them (as well as mere mortals) with jokes, tricks and subtle attacks. On the other hand, he continues to be a member of the pantheon and on many occasions, the other gods have come to him for aid (which he usually grants). 
Whenever the Asgardians needed to devise a cunning plot, they asked Loki to take charge. Loki would do so but often ended up betraying the gods one way or another. In one of the legends, the gods finally got tired of him and had him chained between three rocks where he would remain until Ragnarok. It did not take long for Loki to escape that. 
Loki was also described as the weakest of the gods, although in the legend of Ragnarok he is powerful enough to destroy Heimdall. It may just be that Loki prefers subtlety to direct attacks. Whenever possible, he will disguise his participation in any of his plots, preferring to manipulate and work through others. 
There are no priests of Loki. He was a god to be feared, not worship­ped. Most tales put him in an unflattering light. He often claims that he has been victimized by bad publicity and that he has always tried to do the right thing. Still, praying to Loki can be a really bad idea. The trickster may decide that it would be amusing to make a bad situation even worse. Remember, Loki is a master of lies and deceit. He will always have a seemingly sound explanation, reason, excuse or alibi. He is so convincing that a character is likely to consider believing Loki is innocent of stabbing him, even as the god pulls the bloody knife out of his back. 
Loki and Thor may travel together, particularly whenever a quest requires both brute strength and devious cunning, however the gods don't like each other. Their relationship is never friendly. Loki is con­stantly mocking Thor and staying just one word or two away from provoking him to violence. Thor doesn't trust Loki for a second and is always prepared for some strange twist or complication. 
The god of mischief can be found wherever trouble is stirring. He might be masquerading as a mortal in the Coalition States or he could be visiting Atlantis. 
He loves to be involved in intrigue and espionage, the more secret and devious the better. However, his plots are rarely very destructive. He prefers to humiliate, trouble, and torment his enemies rather than killing them outright. Loki has been noted as saying, "You can only kill a man once, but you can break him many times."   
God of Deceit