

This deity was the protector of sailors and ships. He was one of the leaders of the Vanir before the Aesir took over, and he still harbors some resentment towards Odin and his warrior gods. Unlike other sea gods, Njord did not live within the sea, but was a supreme sailor who could control storms and currents. 
The god had no special power over fish or other marine creatures, although he was a friend of whales and dolphins. Njord was marired to the giantess Skadi, but the union ended badly. The giantess was a mountain creature and could not stand the ocean so the two deities separated. 
Njord stayed on Earth even after the time when gods and magic became a thing o f the past. Still immortal, Njord built a shipping empire that has endured over the centuries. When a rival company built a huge ocean liner, so powerful it was said, that the gods themselves could not sink it, Njord was offended and he marshalled his remaining powers to destroy the ship to teach mortals a lesson. The ship's name was the Titanic.  
God of the Seas