Quetzalcoatl the Rebel

Quetzalcoatl the Rebel

Quetzalcoatl was an elder Kukulcan dragon that ascended into godhood and became a protector of humankind.
He was the deity of the air and rain, as well as medicine, art, and science, and the patron of agriculture and astrology. Before becoming a god, the dragon dwelt among men and taught them many secrets.
When he became divine, he watched over the ancient Toltecs and Aztecs. He demanded the sacrifice of animals and plants, never humans.
Quetzalcoatl did not realize that the other gods, who had been there before his rise of power, resented his place of power and attention paid to him by humans. It was only his vast power that kept the others from rising against him until Tezcatlipoca finally struck out.
The dark god used black magic and his corrupting power on the dragon-god. Even Quetzalcoatl proved vulnerable to the corruption, abandoning himself to nights of drunkenness and murderous rage. When the fit of madness was over, the god, appalled at his own actions, withdrew from Earth.
He and his loyal follower Xolotl left the planet, promising to return one day.
The first return of Quetzalcoatl was during the 17th century A.D., long after the conquest of Mexico by the Spanish. The god saw that the Aztecs had been deceived into thinking these invaders were his servants and that the leader was supposedly Quetzalcoatl himself (which was not true)!
Enraged, Quetzalcoatl hunted for Tezcatlipoca, and the two gods fought. Tezcatlipoca was badly injured in the fight and fled before Quetzalcoatl's rage. His fury spent, Quetzalcoatl meditated about his next step. He again left Earth and spent the intervening centuries in other dimensions where he met many deities from Earth and otherplaces , including the Palladium world.

The god recently learned that Tezcatlipoca and his followers are plotting to reestablish themselves on Earth. Quetzalcoatl will do everything in his power to stop those evil deities from dominating and tormenting Earthlings (human and nonhuman) again. Xolotl has already investigated the area and has come back with horrible tales of vampires and evil gods walking the Earth . Quetzalcoatl is presently seeking allies to fight these creatures . Meanwhile, the other gods of the Aztec Pantheon have no idea that the Feathered Serpent is back in the picture.   
The Ancient Feathered Serpent 
Deity the Air 
Deity of Rain 
Deity of Medicine 
Deity of Art 
Deity of Science 
Patron of Agriculture 
Patron of Astrology