

This bloodthirsty deity was the god of war, magic , and the night sky. His symbols were the bear and the jaguar, as well as obsidian, the mineral used for most of the Aztecs ' weapons. Tezcatlipoca was also a corruptor of the innocent, a god who could lead humans to vice and self-destructive behavior. The ultimate extortionate , the god threatened mortals with bad luck, pain and madness unless he was satisfied with human sacrifices.
Tezcatlipoca expelled Quetzalcoatl from Tula, the Aztec center of worship, and ruled the pantheon with an iron fist. Sometimes, the evil god would assume human shape and meet young warriors traveling at night and challenge them to single combat. Sometimes the fight would be to the death (of the mortal, of course), but typically the god fought until he was satisfied by the workout and then vanished.
Tezcatlipoca resents the disappearance of his cult on Earth, although it was his oracles and false priests who claimed that the Spanish were gods and contributed to the collapse of that culture and his worshipers.
Now he wants to return and build an even greater empire.
Tezcatlipoca believes the vampires would be perfect minions and high priests. They would gladly sacrifice humans and then feast on their remains. He doesn' t particularly like the vampire intelligences, whom he sees as potential competitors, but he is hoping that in forging the alliance those beasts can be kept in a subordinate background. As long as they're kept fed, he reasons, they 'll be no problem. The only being Tezcatlipoca truly fears is Quetzalcoatl , but he believes the dragon-god has abandoned the Earth and will never return.  
God of War 
God of Magic 
God of the Night Sky