

Vayu controls the winds, storms and lightning. He is an ancient deity, older than Ahura Mazda, who often had to make dealings with him. Of the Persian gods, he is the strongest champion of Light after Ahura Mazda and his progeny. 
Vayu was offered an alliance by Ahriman, but the wind god refused and since then, the two deities have been mortal enemies. This god was also part of the Vedic Pantheon in India, but Vayu was outraged by the takeover by Brahma and his gods and left to join the Persians (He is not on good terms with Brahma's gods). 
Vayu has a dark side, however. Like the wind he represents, he can suddenly shift his emotions, support and direction. He is merciless when angered and is not above destroying the lives of innocent mortals. 
Generally, he does not consider individual mortals to be worthy of attention, help or care. He protects the whole of creation and life in general; he pays no heed to the damage he may do to lesser creatures.   
God of the Wind