

Verethraghna is a war god who is more aggressive and passionate than most others. He is only concerned with victory, glory, and the destruction of his enemies, be it man or demon. He delights in the horrors of war, and cares less about right or wrong than about the challenge of the fight. 
The Gods of Light count him among their allies, but don't fully trust him. He is the strongest god of the Persian pantheon and is jealous of other pantheons' strongmen. 
He once tried to match Herakles, and lost. He will try to repay that insult some day. 
This god has ten forms: He can appear as a blast of wind, a bull, a horse, a camel, a giant boar, a young man, a raven, a ram, a buck or most importantly, a powerful man armed with a golden sword. 
He is supposed to bring luck to warriors.   
God of Victory