Crystal Bridge Settlement in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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Crystal Bridge

While many of the most influential citizens of Sharn prefer to live in Upper Central, closer to the center of government and trade, Crystal Bridge is home to many of Sharn’s wealthiest denizens. A number of dragonmarked heirs maintain private residences in Crystal Bridge or Oak Towers, along with Brelish aristocrats and merchant princes. Crystal Towers is a quiet, peaceful district, and many of its inhabitants employ private guards to ensure that it remains peaceful.


Social Class: Upper class

Industry & Trade

Buildings: Upscale residences (248), average residences (32)


District Type: Wealthy residential
First Impression: Manors and mansions surround penthouse towers, the sheer size of these estates hinting at the wealth of the residents within. Walls and bridges are covered with thick panels of glass and crysteel, causing a brilliant kaleidoscope of color when sunlight strikes the towers.
Location under
Sharn - Upper Northedge

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds

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