
Ailithet (a.k.a. The Arrow)

Ailithet was born to Shehyn the head of the school of Latantha in Haert.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ailithet is tall with a strong, but toned build.

Body Features

Her arms and legs are covered in small scars going in all directions.

Facial Features

She has small tusks and one small scar that goes through her right eyebrow.

Identifying Characteristics

Ailithet has sandy hair and pale grey skin and always has her hair in a long braid.

Physical quirks

Ailithet is ambidextrous.

Special abilities

Ailithet can wield a sword and her whip at the same time, making coordinated grapple and slashing attacks. She also developed a rare ability to heal herself.

Apparel & Accessories

While fulfilling a mercenary contract, she wears tight fitting clothing and her 67th helm that indicates to all that she is a ranked Segula.

Specialized Equipment

Ailithet spent most of her training rejecting the common use of a sword. She gravitated toward the use of a whip and developing the legendary longbow skills that have been compared to those of their founder. Her whip is named Ruosk.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Ailithet is a badass bitch. Do not compare her to a man. She is better than men.


Ailithet does not actively pursue sexual interaction. She would only chose to engage in sexual activity if the person pursued her non pathetically.


Ailithet took the red at the age of 14 after training at the school of the Letantha.


She is a Segula mercenary assigned to contracts across Seven Cities.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ailithet is the highest ranking active Segula from Her school excluding the head of the school.

Failures & Embarrassments

Once a boy from her school struck her during a sparring exhibition.

Mental Trauma

Losing or not being the best.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ailithet is versed in combat and infiltration awareness.

Morality & Philosophy

Do not kill just to kill. Always make the right decision first. Do not appear weak.


Going against the Lethani.

Personality Characteristics


Ailithet is determined to prove that she is the most elite Segula currently active. She intends to return to the city of the founder and the original school to challenge the highest ranking Segula and demonstrate her bow skills that many compare to the skills of the founder, Aethe.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is well versed in combat strategies as well as infiltration. She is truly awful at making friends.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes winning She hates losing, being perceived as weak, and anyone who she perceives as weak.

Virtues & Personality perks

Do not kill for the sake of killing. Make the correct choice first.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ailithet does not show fear but she is easily threatened by the presence of a higher ranked Segula. She would feel strongly drawn to duel any Segula who was ranked ten or fewer higher than herself.

Personality Quirks

To a non-Segula, it would appear that she makes ticking movements with her hands.


Ailithet is always as clean as she can be in the setting which she is contracted to navigate.


Contacts & Relations

Tempi- rival form school who is normally placed in the same geographical area Dianthe- best friend/archrival

Family Ties

Shehyn- mother, head of the school of the Letantha Magwyn- great grandmother, historian of Haert

Religious Views

The Lethani

Social Aptitude

Ailithet is viewed as even more ill-mannered and rude by barbarian standards than other Segula. She puts absolutely no effort into adapting her social etiquette to the niceties of barbarians.


The gestures represent emotions and feeling such as content, anger, disgust, approval, or even puzzlement. The Adem culture only accepts the established hand gestures and anything else is considered extremely rude, with the only exception of communication to family and close friends. The right hand is considered strong, and the left hand is considered clever. The left hand is used to do the hand gestures, because it is closer to the heart.

Hobbies & Pets

Ailithet has a fondness for butterflies but she would never tell anyone.


Segula do not speak to interrupt the discomfort that barbarians feel in silence. She has a moderately thick accent that has only changed since taking the red and completing contracts outside of Haert.

Wealth & Financial state

Ailithet only carries what is necessary to attend to her basic needs and follows the practice of sending income from her mercenary contracts back to her home to develop the community and school.

Ailithet, Segula 65th. Daughter of the head of the School of the Latantha.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Segula 65th The Arrow
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Grey
180 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I am done speaking to you." "Leave." "No." "You fight like a man."
Known Languages
Common Undercommon Orc