
(a.k.a. Iceclaws)

Arveiaturace was feared by all sailors along the Sword Coast, save for the foolish few who dismissed her as a legend. Seafarers referred to her as "Iceclaws"

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arveiaturace had friendly relationships based on mutual respect with the archwizard Laeral Silverhand of Waterdeep and the shipwright Old Aldon of Mintarn. She was feared in Candlekeep following an incident in which, having learned from one of her captives of a sage's disparaging account of Meltharond, she flew directly to the fortress library, ripped the roof off the main building, and snatched up the terrified writer to correct his views on the dead wizard. Less than a month after that, Laeral personally visited Arveiaturace at Ice Peak to hand her a copy of the more laudatory tome The High History of the Mighty Mage Meltharond. Laeral stayed with Iceclaws for more than a tenday hence, discussing matters of an unknown nature. What is known is that following Laeral's visit, Arveiaturace seemed to steer clear of vessels sailing in the vicinity of Waterdeep

Accomplishments & Achievements

Notable for having killed ten young black dragons at once that were invading the material plane. Exceptional at tactics and known for physical capability far beyond any other dragon in the known world.

Mental Trauma

Meltharond's death was keenly felt by Arveiaturace, and she was gripped by a deep and abiding loneliness. She interacted with mortals primarily to find a new, trustworthy companion, but could never find someone who inhabited all of Meltharond's good qualities.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Unable to cast more than mending
  • Gifted with arcane augmentation from Meltharond as well as his treasures

Likes & Dislikes

Disdains wizards and their ilk.

Virtues & Personality perks

Takes in lone survivors on the seas at times or other lonely creatures until they are healed

Personality Quirks

Talks to Meltharond as though he were still Alive.


Contacts & Relations

Even after Meltharond's death, Arveiaturace still carried his skeletal remains and rider's palanquin on her back. In his later years, Meltharond used a complex web of spells to keep his bones intact and in their proper place—these magics continued even after his death, causing his skeleton to sit upright and even move his skull to face whichever direction Arveiaturace was facing.

Family Ties

Mother to most white dragons of this age
Current Location
Ruled Locations