

His name is Ashgorr and he is the best at his work. If you need payment, physical, monetary, or informational, he can recover it for you. A jarring complexion of ice and gold, he rarely shows indication of emotion. You'll know you're in his good graces if he completes the task requested and only commits his violence against the delinquent rather than against you as well.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Muscular to an intimidating degree. The kind of physique that is clearly meant for sheer power, not just for show.

Body Features

Ashgorr is a tiefling and as such carries the expected traits of horns and a tail. Additionally, his left arm has been almost entirely mechanized and appears terrifyingly powerful. If one were to get close (they wouldn't because of their own fear), they would notice a lattice of nanotech mesh across his entire body.

Facial Features

Sharp features. A pair of short curved horns parting his white mop of hair.

Identifying Characteristics

Eyes like liquid gold with no visible pupils.

Apparel & Accessories

Gauntlet/mechanically modified arm that infuses his blade with various amplifications such as heat, fire, electricity, etc.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the city and brought up in an idyllic two-parent family, Ashgorr was raised an only child and taught by his carefully selected private tutors every single thing a child should learn as they grow. He was given vital life skills and essential knowledge such as how many fingernails to pull before someone becomes numb to the pain and how many bones can be broken before most folks pass out. By six years of age, he was capable of cutting any adult down to size with words that pierce the core of their insecurities. Most tried to laugh and pass it off as the brutal but naive honesty of a child, but even so could not entirely hide their shaken expression. None challenged or corrected him. Either they cowered as subtly as they could manage or they praised him for behaving in exactly the way that was appropriate. Displaying strength over others was the most polite way to interact.   While he maintained and continued to hone his linguistic arsenal, his interest quickly transitioned to a more physical expression of strength. By age eight, he was frequently mistaken for an adult because of his physically imposing stature. It was not uncommon for him to strike nearly anyone in reach with an unannounced, heavy blow to the back of the head. He continued as before, undeterred by any respected adult in his life. Once, a city watch seemed as though he was going to chastise Ashgorr but no sooner had the officer glanced his way, than a friend of the family stepped in and ushered the officer elsewhere. As familiar as Ashgorr was with all the officers throughout the city, he never remember seeing that one again. Soon after, he was sat down by his mother who instructed him it is not always appropriate to strike indiscriminately. Instead, it can be more useful to strike in such way that motivates the recipient of the blow to return the gesture. She taught that most people, given the typical polite greeting of strength and violence, will respond with a sort of offering and that the most important offering of all was information.


Ashgorr is straight. His sexual experiences have existed as the epitome of unbalanced power dynamics.


Brought up under private tutelage in his home city of [Home city]. Assured frequently it was the best education possible and it came at any cost.


Since 16 years of age, has worked for a friend of the family as an interviewer. Apparently, some folks weren't always giving full or truthful answers to the previous employee. In any case, it was quite the favor to his parents to hire him for such a high level role at such a young age.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Hired at 16 as an interrogator for [name of faction], many would think it was solely out of a favor to his family. The truth is, he was already the most qualified for the job. Since six years prior, he had already been passively gaining answers for [the faction] even for questions that had not yet been asked. In general, people were simply more pliable when Ashgorr was present and information leaked out of them as freely as their fear.

Failures & Embarrassments

Only twice had Ashgorr been severely reprimanded for his behavior because he had gone too far. When he was still learning the nuances of his work and well before he claimed any official capacity, he had been assigned information extraction from two high value targets. The secrets they held could spell the downfall of a major rival. Having gained confidence in Ashgorr's ability, the faction leaders [name possible] left the targets alone with him. Being one of the few times Ashgorr had encountered any real resistance and fully feeling the pressure of the job's importance, he became quite frustrated and in anger killed both the targets. Their death was shocking and swift as even the leaders immediately outside the room were unable to intervene. His outburst became a severe setback for the campaign against the other faction as well as sparking a response in the public.

Mental Trauma

Ashgorr is 18 and as such is still grappling with his own agency in this world. His agency is tenuous at best considering in many ways he has been carefully crafted to perform this job. These are not thoughts that have dwelled much in his mind as of yet. Even if they were, he would be unlikely to say anything about them. That doesn't lessen the impact they have on his behavior.

Intellectual Characteristics

Arrogance. Absolutely self-assured. Challenge his thoughts at your own risk. Ashgorr has been given one of the best educations available and he knows it. If a person's understanding of a situation differs from his, it is because that person is wrong.

Morality & Philosophy

Power is right.


Approaching without appropriate display of submission.

Ashgorr is 18 years old and is an intimidatingly muscular tiefling with blue skin. He works as an interrogator for a prominent faction in the region. Stories vary, but you're sure you would never want to provoke him.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Current Residence
Liquid gold
Short, white, rather unkempt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A chilling pale gray with blue tone inside. A vibrant blue that disappears into the daytime sky outside.
200 lbs
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Undercommon