Ferule Chill & Dark of Eye

Ferule Chill & Dark of Eye

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim and lithe build, not particularly imposing.

Facial Features

Delicate and sharp in an oddly pretty manner, though his eyes tend to distract people. Their dazzling blue white hue matches his scarf perfectly. Unless of course they're entirely black, no iris or white to them at all. (Phases of the moon)

Identifying Characteristics

A twisting pattern of lines tattooed on his right arm, given time to study the lines hint at a significant pattern but always seems too illusive to pin down.

Physical quirks

If one is the sort of person to see what's actually there and not what they expect to see they'd notice some peculiarities about Ferule. If you caught him out of the corner of your eye you might notice curling horns amid his shock of curly black hair. If you see him in just the right light you might notice hooves in place of his soft leather boots.

Special abilities

The small glamour on his appearance is permanent and was important in his job at the Mistlight Carnival. (Normally it's investigation that determines looking through it, but this is flavor rather than actually mechanical so it's entirely up to you how you do/don't want to use it!)

Apparel & Accessories

Muted clothing of greys and blacks almost appearing as a traveling tunic but patterned for some specific royal house or something similar. Other than that he has an exceptionally soft looking scarf of a comforting blue white hue.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ferule was a changeling (title given to baby born from one mortal parent and one fey) who found himself in the Litwick Market. He was born completely blind and so struggled to survive and take care of himself.   He most certainly would've died if not for the help of his best friend Cinder. Cinder would keep him safe, physically and otherwise through whispers at important moments to physical intervention when brigands threatened Ferule.   His job eventually lead him to a chance encounter with a small girl who sought his advice, this eventually lead him into an ambush where she and two others bound and bleed him to unknown purpose.   On the third night of this torture, having been somehow separated from Cinder and truly alone for the first time, he lifted his head to the sky and asked for help. It came. His eyes saw for the first time, and all he could look upon was the beautiful full moon above. He declared his eternal love for her on the spot and escaped with his newfound abilities. His sight lead him to find out Cinder was his shadow, rather than be disturbed he simply thanked him for all his help and set off on his journey to earn her Selune's love.

Gender Identity



He cares for no woman other than Selune


He acquired tutelage mostly from Cinder and Isolde (The Eladrin running the carnival). Learning small glamours and grammars to help him get by.


Eventually, with Cinder's help and guidance, Ferule obtained a job at the Mistlight Carnival. He would mostly do manual labor and stay out of the way given his blindness but eventually he'd taken up his own attraction of sorts.   "No one taller than the stone. Come to blacktree, come alone. Tell no adult what’s been said, lest the shadows strike you dead."   With this attraction children visiting the carnival would strike small bargains with Ferule, often for some petty revenge, and he'd grant them advice or a method for doing so.   He'd use the opportunity to glean information for Isolde mostly, and aid her in her effort to finding thieves who snuck their way into the carnival so that she might execute them with Nepenthe (Her blade).

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ferule & Cinder became one of the foremost attractions to the Mistlight Carnival over the course of a century.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite his attempts, Ferule never really developed any relationships except his friendship with Cinder. He often appeared too odd, creepy, or temperamental to be approachable for more than a short time.

Mental Trauma

Ferule lead a lonely life, and with only Cinder and the brief interactions with Carnival goers, he became dispassionate to others and their plights. His empathy isn't something stirred easily, and given his time in Shadowfell, death isn't so important a thing.

Intellectual Characteristics

Fairly graceless in the way his thought fall together, no one who spends more than a minute would with him would consider Ferule an intellectual.

Morality & Philosophy

He's Chaotic Neutral. He mostly follows the advice he perceives from Cinder (I was panning on role playing that like only I could hear him rather than you as an NPC and just have him mostly advise for self interest/safety). But that's up to you!


Thrice said and done

Personality Characteristics


His love of Selune is all encompassing and he wants nothing more than to have her for his own. To this extent he spent time learning of her wants and pursues them with fervency. (Each life is a small light capable of illuminating the beauty hidden in darkness. In this way darkness should not be shy'ed away from but ventured and life protected).

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Fairly insightful and perceptive even with his lack of empathy. He's very much a fae in temperament. Prideful to a fault, especially when it comes to Selune.

Personality Quirks

His position in the Mistlight Carnival Speaks to his natural quirks. He's fae, fairy tale tricks, sing songs, round about deals, bargains, are apparent in how he interacts with people.
Chaotic Neutral
Black (Sclera and all) or Bluewhite
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, very pale
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Maple. Maypole. Catch and carry. Ash and Ember. Elderberry."   "Woolen. Woman. Moon at night. Willow. Window. Candlelight."   "Fallow farrow. Ash and oak. Bide and borrow. Chimney smoke."   "Barrel. Barley. Stone and stave. Wind and water. Misbehave.”   “You are not wise enough to fear me as I should be feared. You do not know the first note of the music that moves me.”   “You think I'm playing at some game? You think iron will keep you safe? Hear my words, manling. Do not mistake me for my mask. You see light dappling on the water and forget the deep, cold dark beneath. Listen. You cannot hurt me. You cannot run or hide. In this I will not be defied.   "I swear by all the salt in me: if you run counter to my desire, the remainder of your brief mortal span will be an orchestra of misery."   "I swear by stone and oak and elm: I'll make a game of you. I'll follow you unseen and smother any spark of joy you find. You'll never know a woman's touch, a breath of rest, a moment's peace of mind."   And I swear by the night sky and the ever-moving moon: if you lead my master to despair, I will slit you open and splash around like a child in a muddy puddle.   "I'm spouting too much sense for you to understand,"   "The whole world is burning down," "Open your eyes.”
Known Languages
Sylvan & Common