
A cheerful, rosy-cheeked wood elf who wears a delicate white veil across her eyes and speaks in a singsong voice, giggling often. She keeps her guard dog, Morty, with her at all times.

Personality Characteristics


Morty is a disguised winter wolf and appears as a mastiff with bloodshot eyes. She knows how to infuse demon ichor into the paints needed to create the cursed paintings that drive the coven’s evil bargains. This recipe is inscribed on the inside of Morty’s collar. Personality Trait. “Sometimes I sing to myself when I am distracted. It is an old song of the fey, about a daughter betrayed by her father and given to the unseelie in a bargain.”   Ideal. “Patience is the key to survival. She who laughs last laughs longest.”   Bond. “My beloved dog, Morty, is my world. Were anyone to harm him, I would hunt that person across all the planes if need be.”   Flaw. “Those who have pure hearts literally make me vomit. I mean, I can’t help but heave my bowels in their presence.”