Illy's Wanderings



As the mist in your eyes clears, you begin to see a valley below. As you scan the area around you, you notice a slight distortion to the edges of your vision. Actually, your left eye is unopened. Upon opening your left eye, the horrifying scene in front of you coalesces into a blur as you realize you are sobbing. This emotion, sadness, helplessness, fear, is not familiar to you. You spend your days climbing trees, reading books, and sparring with your brother, Spontalis. He has begun to pull away in recent years as he is approaching the age where he has begun to learn the duties of the house. You fully believe that it is because you best him 9/10 times in your matches. Your mother, Aequitas, has taught you that the world is yours to do as you please, and you do. Your father, Veritas, has taught you every skill that you have expressed an interest in. Your recent interest has been topography. You see the lands from your family’s sprawling estate and have become intrigued by the lands below and why they are so flat, while you live in mountains that feel like you could touch the sky itself.   And today you witness desolation. Destruction of the lands and villages below. With your handy spyglass, you have seen the animals that live below begin to stir and show the signs that you have learned mean, that something is about to happen.


Perception check. Sheep bleat, children scream, as homes, taverns, and farmlands are set ablaze. What do you do?   Aequitas “This is the way of the world darling. Those who have decided this land must be destroyed are entitled to their decision.”   Veritas “There are those who take from those who cannot resist. And we will never be those who are unable to persist.   Spontalis “You don’t understand. We are not meant for this fate. They are. It is for a greater end than any of us could forsee. If they choose to resist, they may resist. If they choose to die, they may die. Pack up your necessary items with your maid in the hour. We are leaving.”   Vantel- boy from the village.   Perception check and survival check for escaping. 20 for seeing the source of the fire

Rising Action

Test of preservation- skill contest for escaping tennescowri and gaining the glaive of wounding. Sharing food and helping others along the way. Meet the traveler. Re-run of glaive of wounding now.


Do you kill your brother in order to get the glaive in this version of yourself?

Falling Action

Perception check for green cloak and similarities between other wanderers.


Either get eings back form the traveler for mercy or gain the opportunity to gain the blessing of the mistweaver.
Plot type
Chapter: Illy's wanderings
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