Jude of House Raith

Jude of House Raith (a.k.a. J)

It's just Jude, to you. You're lucky to know that much. The rest will come with time, and above all else trust.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and overly in shape, but not necessarily intimidating. A shadowy quality where you feel as if you could look away for a second and they wouldn't be there when you look back.

Body Features

Can be changed at whim but she has a habit of sticking close to those she's known best.

Facial Features

Jude was always the type of girl to say her eyes changed color based on her mood, but as she got older it turns out there was more truth to that and more changing than she realized.

Identifying Characteristics

Lightweaver mark that appears as a faintly glowing white sigil whose location on her body changes with the mask/persona she wears

Physical quirks

has been known to mimic the appearance of those she has loved, especially characters from her favorite stories

Special abilities

changing appearance and voice at a whim

Apparel & Accessories

-glaive and chainmail   -ring that allows for the disguise of her clothes

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a loving mother and father, Jude was living contentedly and did not want for much. That is, until she stepped into her power. The following day or so is more shadow than solid memory, but she woke knowing the loss of her family and first love.

Gender Identity



pansexual as FUCK


Taken under the wing of Hoyd and directed to House Raith, where both Laura and (???) spent her short residency teaching her what she is and how to use it to her advantage


hired by T'seah to do some undercover research on the happenings of the Emerald Valley

Mental Trauma

Jude was uprooted in a single day after being responsible for the death of her first love, and the events following that included the death of her family. It was so dark, her mind has chosen to erase the memory of what exactly happened entirely

Intellectual Characteristics

A master of lies herself, Jude has a keen sense of being able to read others relatively easily.   Also a lover of foreign cultures, she has been known to submerge herself in them entirely with the hopes of finding what she considers "home"

Morality & Philosophy

Nothing is exactly good or bad, more so varying shades of grey. Change is the only constant, and it should be accepted rather than revered.


Killing without reason

Personality Characteristics


To prove to herself and everyone else that she is not defined by what she is, and end the stigma surrounding changelings by serving The Traveler in protecting the material plane from outside threats.

Likes & Dislikes

likes - being complimented, helping others, surprises, serving karma/justice     dislikes - lies and liars both (herself included sometimes!), rapists (her fav snack tho!), rejection

Virtues & Personality perks

would never feed on someone that was unwilling

Vices & Personality flaws

Vices: her... appetite, being wanted   Flaws: needs to be needed, frequent liar

Personality Quirks

will run through and practice mimicking all the faces she has seen in the day as a ritual before bed


As she still hasn't fully accepted it, after "feeding" Jude has a tendency to rub her skin raw in the hopes of feeling clean. It rarely works.   On the brightside, blood doesn't bother her!


Contacts & Relations

Laura - Thomas' sister, Head of House Raith Thomas - Laura's brother, a member of the Watchers and closer alliance to Jude

Family Ties

don't worry about it, Jude doesn't anymore (i.e. everyones dead)

Religious Views

A devout follower of the Watcher, the first entity to make Jude feel appreciated, whole, and accepted for what she is

Social Aptitude

very charming and in the appropriate settings, a shameless flirt


touching her Lightweaver mark for reassurance, casting Moonbeam

Hobbies & Pets

Pets: WYRM, the bestest boy (or girl? do wyverns do gender like humanoids? does it matter? not to Jude) there ever was or will be, literally traveled across the world on its own to find Jude <3   Hobbies:acting, playing the lyre as a side hustle, killing rapists

Wealth & Financial state

with a backing of House Raith and the ability to amass a good amount of money with her side hustles of instrument playing, acting, and overall "entertaining," it isn't really an issue

Jude of House Raith, born unto a different family that exists only in memory now.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
20 years old
Date of Birth
a libra venus fo sho, with otherwise big scorpio energy so maybe a fall she/they
AFAB; depends on the situation nowadays
in true form: silvery white. otherwise: whatever they want
in true form: color and luster-less white. otherwise: whatever they want (again)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
in true form: marble statue white. otherwise: you should be able to sense a trend at this point
around 150 but fluctuates based on gender
Known Languages
Celestial, Draconic, Elvish, Sylvan, Common, Undercommon