Merrill Heartdown

Merrill Heartdown

Merrill is a relentlessly optimistic military mediator from Seven Cities. Despite his military background and occupation, he devotes most of his energy and attention into his clergy practice which he will tell you if you spend more than a passing moment with him. He is strong and savvy but sometimes seems to miss social cues. Regardless how others may feel about his nonstop chatter regarding his deity, he is without a doubt acutely capable. When conflict arises, he rarely misses an opportunity to protect and de-escalate.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, broad, classically masculine physique. Far more muscular than one would expect of a clergyman.

Body Features

Muscular forearms. A woven gold colored band around his right wrist. A matching (real) gold chain around his neck. More and more frequently has to clarify he is not connected to the house of chains.

Facial Features

Square jaw, surprisingly shadowed face considering how light his hair is. Crows feet and many lines from smiling too much. Angular bone structure, but softened by relentless pleasant expression.

Identifying Characteristics

Shoulder length dirty blonde hair that is beginning to gray. Middle parted and slightly oily from lack of washing. Gold chain and gold woven wristband are identifiers.

Apparel & Accessories

A well fitting earth tone long sleeve quarter button shirt with the top two buttons undone. Trousers that are fitted, even below the knee. Shoes that appear to be red canvas attached to flat rubber soles. Scale mail that fits well over the clothing so as to not disrupt the vibe.

Specialized Equipment

Merrill carries an unusual weapon. While it appears to be fashioned like a shortsword, the tip is completely rounded. It is not frequently seen since he is loathe to wield it, but rumor has it the blade has no edge at all. It is completely dull like a training sword.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Merrill grew up with loving parents in Seven Cities. As an only child, his sense of self-importance was frequently reinforced. Given a rounded education and training as a youth, he became well versed in the tactic and practice of defense. When he was of age, he joined the local military as a town guard believing he could bring order and by doing so, peace. As his skill grew, his ability to de-escalate and protect was recognized and he was promoted to mediator between cities. As he practiced mediation, he began to notice successful mediations were always accompanied by some mention of the Builder of Light. During one particularly tense exchange when he believed only violence and death would spawn, the Builder herself showed up and managed to bring a resolution. Mikazaryx, a gleaming copper dragon, reached a compromise when it was literally impossible. Since that day, Merrill has been invoking her name at every opportunity and reaping the benefit of successful mediations and increased magical attributes. As his skill and renown grew, he used the recognition to begin his evangelism. He endured many uncomfortable military meetings until they reluctantly allowed him to expand his work in the name of the Builder. Merrill was at this point convinced that anyone who invoked or relied upon the help of his god would see peace and prosperity among their people. At this, he decided to embark on a journey to the Malazan Empire. He had heard of their relentless militarism and fierce rejection of all deities and was fully convinced he was the one to bring a reformation to their land.


Basic primary education. Military focused secondary education. Education and training specialized for mediation.


Works as a mediator for Seven Cities. He is a military agent whose primary goal is to stop conflict by finding peaceful common ground.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Became the first practicing cleric who was allowed to maintain his military service while also practicing devotion to his deity. Negotiated peaceful compromise in the 40 day conflict between [Seven City A] and [Seven City B]. Ended hostilities brought over by [neighboring country]. The first military mediator allowed to travel and work between any of the Seven Cities without sacrificing his ranking in his place of origin.

Failures & Embarrassments

Trained an apprentice for several months who was killed on his first solo mediation. Merrill has taken on apprentices since but has never again released them to operate solo.

Mental Trauma

Surprisingly little. Merrill's childhood and early adulthood were smooth sailing to the point that his reputation for endless optimism preceded him and was taken as a true aspect of his character rather than a mask or ruse.

Intellectual Characteristics

Merrill is sharp. He picks up on things quickly when given practical knowledge and is keenly observant. He is also terribly unmotivated when it comes to non-practical learning. He claims he has never actually finished reading any single text. While he is quick to notice even subtle changes in nonverbal communication, his typical downfall is not foreseeing the implications of the changes.

Morality & Philosophy

Merrill believes there is no disagreement that can't be resolved with sound communication. He is convinced everyone was a good nature within them and truly strives to find it and coax action from it. He believes anyone who claims allegiance to the Builder can do no wrong.

Personality Characteristics


Clean and perfumed. Orderly hair and facial hair. Despite being well kept, definitely is not as frequently kept as some others. Lives by the mantra, "It's actually not healthy for your hair to wash it every day."
Lawful Good
Seven Cities
Current Residence
Seven Cities
Dirty Blonde, graying slightly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation