
Spinner of Death Orcus (a.k.a. Prince of Undeath)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A powerful demon prince of the Abyss, the lord of undeath was successfully summoned to the material plane with the help of a Lich named Iniarv. This event historically is known as Oraciaphonellus. This summoning was dealt with quickly and at great cost by a group of brave adventurers, most of which historically died in the process. Guldos & Rissarh Estelmer, Caladorn Cassalanter, Enoki of the Mere, Grumik of Luskan, and Shishi of Capustan, along with several hundred soldiers under the leadership of Shishi clashed with Orcus and his undead hoard. All but Caladorn Cassalanter perished and the Demon Prince is known to have been defeated. 

  With the appearance of the Panion Seer and rapid growth of the Panion Domin the above mentioned historic facts prove to be not entirely reliable. Orcus was imprisoned by Dragnipur, and for centuries has pushed his will against the surviving Guldos Estelmer. Those few in the know understand that Guldos bore the will of Orcus with the help of the other imprisoned for centuries, and eventually was pulled back to the material plane. Guldos became the Panion Seer and eventually lost his will to Orcus and attempted to repeat the summoning during a celestial event.    With one seal on Dragnipur still holding Orcus back from the material plane he seemingly focuses his energy and will on the undead of the material plane, hoping to use them and the wielder of Dragnipur to free him.
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Imprisoned/bound by the blade Dragnipur
empty eye sockets
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
leathery and bloated with death
12 feet