
It was said that Prothanax was the one who created the Great Glacier in order to sweep the evil from Vaasa and before the age of Burn's Sleep was known as the King of Justice.

Personality Characteristics


Leader of Metallic Dragon Council. Though he sees both good and bad in the lesser races, he believes that their capacity for attaining great power despite their physical limitations makes them dangerous. For all their capability, humanoids have little time to learn the wisdom to direct that capability.

Likes & Dislikes

The gold dragon knows that many of the world’s most blighted creatures descend from humans who bargained with dark forces for power, including yuan-ti and tieflings. He considers the cycle of failed human civilizations across Faerûn as a sign of a quintessential flaw in human nature. Moreover, he is quick to point out that humans make up the majority of evil archmages and liches — including Sammaster, who founded the Cult of the Dragon, and Szass Tam’s Red Wizards. Even the current leader of the Cult of the Dragons, Mansoon, and a majority of the cult’s members are human

He can at least appreciate that the crimes of the humanoid races are usually directed against each other. He knows that the short lives of many humanoids means they might not even recognize their own evil. The elves, however, live for long years and possess great knowledge — and have used that knowledge to the detriment of dragonkind in the past. It was the elves who shaped the magic of the Dracorage mythal, causing dragons across Faerûn to go mad with rage. Convincing Prothanax to trust humanoid factions that include elves is a difficult task.

Virtues & Personality perks

Prothanax is known and respected in the upper planes for his moral fairness and sense of justice.
Lawful Good