Ralmevik Ulmokina

Ralmevik Ulmokina

Pleasant, frail man who has been contacted by an unknowable entity granting him great magical power.

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Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
215 lb

"How do we have a contact in Hell?"
1489 BS

We met with representatives all over the Sword Coast, sooner than expected because of the sounding of the Draakhorn. As confirmed by our metallic allies, it is being sounded with a summoning from a Red Abishai. For most involved, this war has been nothing but loss. Because of the victory brought about by Kara and Coltain, the Teneskouri along with the rest of the Panion Domin have been held at bay and directed toward the east. Should we do nothing, they will collide with our enemy's encampment. The council proposed we also release the Seer in order to let the full force move against the cult. At this point the meeting was nearly derailed because of Dagult's continued suspicion and hatred toward Luskan. If he cannot bring himself to work in collaboration with those he has committed his hatred toward, we may be completely compromised in our efforts. I also bear great distrust for many members of the council, but without a unified effort, we have no hope of victory. The council was brought around with greater focus again and it seems we have another assignment. We will attend the metallic dragon moot and petition their help. Then we will immediately move our efforts to the capture or assassination of the green wyrm speaker. This will free up the efforts of those inland to greater commit efforts toward the war.   Something else was revealed at the meeting that I haven't been able to shake from my mind. The Red Dragon Aspect has been "sealed." Fenris did not deal a fatal blow to him. He was brought to an end by the Seer. At this point, I have more questions than answers regarding our encounter with the Seer. For now at least, it seems likely that the Broken will be avoidant of us since encounters with our party have resulted in the permanent end of two of their numbers.