
Personality Characteristics


  • Zybilna's Loyal buttler
  1. After using Zybilna’s cauldron to neutralize the archfey and most of her court, the hags of the Hourglass Coven left the Devout of Orcus in the palace to guard it. Only three members—Kelek, Warduke, and Zargash—are in the palace presently.
  2. Years ago, Zybilna befriended a jabberwock and trained it to drink from her cauldron. It still frequents the palace and loiters around the cauldron, making it impossible for Kelek and the others to get to the cauldron effectively. The only creature in the palace that stands a chance in a fight against the jabberwock besides Kellek himself is Zybilna’s great owl, Bloodybeak, which is kept in the aviary
  3. To free a creature frozen in time, one must touch it with a unicorn horn while speaking the creature’s true name.
  4. Knows about Bloodybeak and the password "Canzus" to open the windows to the Aviary 

Wealth & Financial state

  • Rings of Service to Zybilna
  1. Sixty-one ornate silver rings (10 gp each) Thirty ornate gold rings (25 gp each) An onyx ring (50 gp) that radiates an aura of illusion magic under the scrutiny of a detect magic spell (when worn, the ring creates illusory butterflies that flutter around the wearer)