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Scadrial is home to many people and many different environments. From the fertile plains of the kingdom of Eradmoor, to the high peaks of the Glittermoon mountains and beyond. There have been many a race and many a tale to be told. It is a realm of great heros and deep dark secrets that should rather be left alone and forgotten. It is a realm of adventure.   Many lands and people populate Scadrial. One such place is the land of Eradmoor, a kingdom of rolling hills and fields of grain. This land is home to many different people, including but not limited too half-lings, gnomes, dwarfs, dragonborn, elves, goblins, and of course humans. But you can find every race somewhere in the kingdom of humans. While many good folk inhabit these lands, many evil entities and factions tend to call this place home as well. Marauding orcs from the harsh northern lands of Lurzrim attempt raids often. And the land has seen its fair share of wars.   To the east off the coast of Eradmoor are the Seradim Isles, A tropical land of lush jungles and plentiful fruit and fish. This land is home to the lizard-folk as well as high elves. To the west of Eradmoor and in the middle of the continent lies lake Ponvus, more commonly known as the Glitterpool lake. Named such as the clear water left undisturbed reflects back the night sky almost perfectly. Making the giant lake look like a second sky. It also reflects back the imposing Glittermoon Mountains lying directly to the west of the lake close to the waters edge. These mountians seem to glitter in the moonlight as well, which is a product of the special rock inside the mountain named moonstone which glows under the light of the moon and has certain magical properties. These mountains are home to the great Dwarven Kingdoms. To the south of the lake are the forests of Gwydyr. Home of the wood elves. To the far west lies the great Araz Desert. Home to tribes of nomads and in very few numbers, Djinn and, more numerous than them, their offspring the Genasi.