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Spirit Wings

The Spirit Wings are a species of butterflies that is said to originate from the Spirit Realm itself. They are considered the messangers of the Deity of Necromancing and appear during funeral ceremonies in Degheich to transport the souls of the dead to the Spirit Realm. Therefore, they are considered holy and essential to the circle of life. They are strongly portected all around Degheich. The Spirit Wings rarely appear in the Human World, as the practice of burning dead bodies is not as common anymore and because the humans have advanced into their territories. Spirit Wings enjoy their resting places to be undisturbed, as crossing over to the Spirit Realm is exhausting.  


  The Spirit Wings are black butterflies, approximately the size of a common brimstone butterfly. They have silver antennas. They get silver spots when they carry soul fragments of a dead person after a funeral ceremony. Once they drop the soul shards in the Spirit Realm, they loose their silver spots.  


  The Spirit Wings are exclusively carnivorous. They feed on dead bodies from different animals. They can drink blood or liquify flesh to make is consumable for them. They would also feed on dead bodies of humanoids, but those are burned in Degheich. The butterflies are attracted by the smell of the burning flesh and blood and collect the soul fragments from the burial ceremony.  

Loosing Soul Fragements

  The Spirit Wings sometimes loose some of the soul fragments that they transport. When that happens, the fragment rarely attaches to a newborn of any species, if one is nearby. Then that newborn can resemble the person they embody a sould fragment of in appearance or character. This happens rather rarely though, as it is based on multiple coincidences alligning.

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