Apogee Nour of the Day
Nour is the number two ranking member of the Fumayan Keepers.
As the ranking member of the Day Order (Apogee, second class), she is charge of the day-to-day operations of the Keepers in Fumaya. She mostly makes duty roster schedules and delegates tasks.
Physical Description
Identifying Characteristics
Nour is not particularly attractive or unattractive, in other words Appearance ●●, but she is exotic looking. When she was younger she had a lot of suitors though she was comitted to clerical celibacy so she politely declined them all.
She is the quintessential fiery human which stands out a lot in Fumaya.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Nour was trained in the nation of Khemarok. She developed theurgy fairly youg and had a clear knack for Purification and Divination. She also was studious and had a good head for rituals and history.
Since this is fairly redundant skillset in Khemarok, she was transferred to the Fumayan Keepers as a young adult.
On some level, being a theurgist and a native-born daughter of Khemarok helped her career but she did advance on merit. She is good at logistics and organization.
Intially in the Day Order, her first job was sanitation duty in King's Lake, a literal shit job. She also assisted in ritual preparation.
Nour worked in the Dawn order teaching for about ten years before requesting a transfer back to Day. She has a good head for lore and numbers but is fairly introverted and prefers to work behind the scenes.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1797 CE
41 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Khemra's Zodiac Year, Korus' Zodiac Month
frizzy bright orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
bronze orange
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations