Atari the wayward Dauli

Lady Atari ap Dauli

Atari is the daughter of Lord Isamu ap Dauli, a scion of a Swynfaredian bloodline and a Cascada the ranger.   Her parents semi-reluctantly got married after they realized Cascada was pregnant. Isamu's family was not happy with this until Atari turned out to be a sorcress in which case they pretended to be all for the marriage.   Atari did not have the Dauli signature heterchromia trait, but that mattered little. A true born sorcress was a true born sorcress.   Atari was mostly raised in the land of Swynfaredia. At age fourteen, her mother took away after her Dauli family members after the untimely demise of Atari's father. Her Dauli relatives do not know where she is and would like to.  
Year of Birth
1807 CE 31 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Zarthus' Zodiac Year

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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