Baroness Manami ap Dauli

Baroness Manami ap Dauli

Manami was the youngest sorcery wielding child of Baroness Kagami ap Dauli.   Lady Manami trained as a Fang Warrior and her skills got her an appointment to a high ranking member House Numaness, eventually getting bequeathed in Barony in recognition of her service, making this the only Dauli controlled barony not under the thumb of House Gruffyl.   The barony came with strings attached. She had to marry a Numaness bastard sorcerer of underwhelming ability and social graces. They had two sons and two daughters including a sorcerer and sorcress who took the Dauli name. The two elder boys are confirmed as a squib and a sorcerer. The elder girls seems to be an early blooming sorcress and the youngest is unknown. None of them have exotic eyes.   Children born in 1822, 1825, 1827, and 1831       While initially she was a lone agent of magical destruction, as she got older she gradually took on the role of a military commander and is more likely to command men at arms than operate by herself or in a small elite squad. She still is a lead from the front type of commander.  
Year of Birth
1797 CE 41 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Greymoria's Zodiac Year, Maylar's Zodiac Month
one draconic eye, one human eye
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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