Caps and Cloaks of Blur

Blur Caps and Blur Cloaks are a relatively common variant "staff" or "wand", similar in concept to the more common Bracers of Magical Shielding. Activating wearable clothes is more convenient in unexpected combat than pointing a stick at oneself.   The school of Abjuration has the dragon's share of arcane magic's defensive spells options, with Shield being the single most commonly seen spell.   Not all defensive spells are in the School of Abjuration though. The Illusion spell "Blur" is fairly popular. It makes a person appear blurry partially obscuring their movements and making them somewhat harder to hit.   Potions of Blur are fairly popular for adventurers and high end guards to drink in the case of emergency along with Potions of Shield.   Some adventurers and knights who find they rely on Blur and Shield over and over again want a more long-term solution than carrying a bunch of potions.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Almost anything wearable can be made to contain the Blur spell.   Usually it's made into a cap or cloak.   Cloaks can hold illusion magic easier than most other items because metaphysically illusion spells cloak the wearer in a way. For magical item creation, "metaphysically easier" means "less reagents required" and therefore cheaper.   On the downside, cloaks are prone to get damaged in combat (and Blur spells are generally intended for use in combat).   Blur Caps are more commonly seen than Blur Cloaks. A Blur Cap can be worn under a helmet like a normal nonmagical armor cap. If a Blur Cap gets damaged in combat, the wearer has more important things to worry about than repairing his magical item.   Whatever form the Blur empowered clothes takes, it lasts six minutes per charge.


Clothing empowered with charges of the Blur spells cost more to manufacture than wands or staves of Blur. Wands and Staves can be cast on anyone, not just just the wielder.   So why would anyone want to use magical charged clothing if it's more expensive and less versatile? Because you can activate it hands-free which is extremely useful in combat.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Raw materials & Components
A staff of Blur costs 4 drams of reagents per charge and can hold up to 50 charges.   A cloak of blur costs 5 drams of reagents per charge and can hold up to 30 charges   A cap of Blur costs 6 drams of reagents per charge and can hold up to 10 charges

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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