Cemach the Loquacious

Cemach the Loquacious is the most well-known storyteller in the land of Fumaya spending most of his time in King's Lake though he does travel the countryside when the weather is warm. As he gets older he travels less.   He is skilled with many musical instruments but he prefers storytelling as his primary artform and often employs a drum lightly while telling stories.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as the unassuming son of typicaly Fumayan peasant farmers, Cemach annoyed his parents by having his head in the clouds and obsessing with stories and legend. At thirteen ran away from home to become the apprentice of a classical hermetic bard though they had a falling out early for unknown reasons.   He begged and scavenged across the length and breadth of West Colassia. Sometimes parleying his magical skills to let him join adventuring parties, but somewhat stymied by his lack of courage in the face of mortal danager. He briefly served on the crew of a sailing ship and saw a bit of the Elven Empire, but he found a life at sea was not for him. While he sought money and romantic companions, his true desire was stories.   After rouhgly two decades facing death from starvation, exposure, or violence, he decided he had enough life as a wandering vagrant and returned to Fumaya to live out his days as a storyteller. He does not like to talk about his own adventurers, prefering to talk about adventurers others did which includes both real stories and the exploits of fictional heroes.


Cemach is literate, multilingual and has some modest magical ability. He cannot many powerful spells but he can cast relatively simple illusion spells very artfully.


Cemach the Loquacious is a cultural fixture in Fumaya, well known and generally respected by commoners and nobles alike though he is performing for commoners far more often.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Cemach has won a lot of contests for storytelling and illusionist exhibitions though his best years are probably behind him.

Failures & Embarrassments

His short career as an adventurer is filled with shameful cowardice and dead friends that he refuses to speak of.
Year of Birth
1780 CE 58 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Zarthus' Zodiac Year, Hallisan's Zodiac Month
slightly greying black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
earthy brown
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Draconic (limited), Gnomish (limited), Dwarven (limited)

Cover image: by me with Hero Forge
Character Portrait image: by me with Hero Forge


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