Creating permanent or near-permanent magical items

To make permanent magical items, a divine caster with four dots of the Crafts domain can make any type of magical item that she has the prerequisite magic to enchant.   Arcane casters need a specific Merit to make permanent magic items.   Above all, the Rule of Cool applies to making magical items. It's better to have the PCs go on an epic quest for rare components rather than to have a player make ten or twelve extended dice rolls.     STEP ONE is to figure out what you want the magic item to do. Once you got this, STEP TWO use this chart to figure out how many "points" it's worth (see the side bar). You can take flaw points to lower the points value (also in the side bar), to a minimum of one point   Each point costs approximately 500 silver pieces in durable reagents, consumable reagents, and other ratified components or special costs regarding to making masterwork items.   It's at the game master's discretion how much of the base cost of a magical item is from durable reagents, consumable reagents, ratified materials, and superior craftsmanship. If a player character is a skilled craftsman or alchemist, they are encouraged to pay for the base cost with sweat equity if they wish.   Characters can also create faux money by completing quests based around the creation of the magical item as long as the quest vaguely makes sense to the nature of the magical item.   Getting the blessing of royalty is a good quest for an item of command. Using a sword to defeat a worthy foe in one-on-one combat before enchanting it is a good quest for a magic weapon. See the second side bar for examples of potential quests.   STEP THREE: Apply quests to lower the cost of the magical item if desired.   STEP FOUR: Make a few extended rolls over a week or a few weeks to complete the item.     It's possible for successful adventurers or wealthy nobles to commission NPCs to create magical items made to order. It's relatively simple to find magic items with a base cost of 500 to 3000 silver pieces. there is usually a 20% mark up. Magic items of greater potency are harder to find, in most cases they are treated as priceless and not for sale, at least not for money. Most high potency magic items are either lost to history or sitting in the treasure vaults of dukes and kings.
Base Magical Item Points chart   1-5 The highest level of the spell or divine sphere used.   +1 The magic item combines arcane and divine magic in the same item.   +2 The magical item is always “on”, such as a Ring of Feather Fall or a suit of magical armor that provides additional protection.   +1 Item is very convenient to wear or keep. Rings always get this +1. Most clothes that go with everything fall in this category such as head bands or caps.   +1 Each additional spell or effect in the item.   +0 Item mimics the one success version of a spell or effect.   +1 Item mimics the two success version of a spell or effect.   +3 Item mimics the three success version of a spell or effect.   +5 Item mimics the four success version of a spell or effect.   +7 Item mimic the five success version of a spell or effect.   Negative Modifiers -6 The magical item is not really very permanent at all. Magical items, lasting a year and a day are fairly common. -3 The magical item has a lifespan of roughly ten years, give or take.   -1 The magic item has a lifespan in the vicinity of 81 years, give or take.   -1 Item is of superior craftsmanship and displays precious metals or gems visible to it making this obvious as something of great value to enemies and potential thieves.   -1 The item is somewhat inefficient math wise, a difficulty modifier on a small number of dice for instance. Example, a magic item that reduces the soak difficulty for a three dice set of light armor is mathematically inefficient compared to putting the same enchantment on a suit of full plate with a seven dice soak value.   -1 or -2 Item needs to be periodically charged with mana or quintessence.   -2 Item is blatantly magical when used alerting even dullards that it is magical item.   -2 Item has secondary magical effects that are attract attention, even when not being used. A cloak doesn’t stop swirling, a gem that glows softly   -1 Magical item has a very small limitation on use. A sword cannot be used to strike at gnomes. You have to sing a song to your item every morning.   -2 Magical item has small limitation on use. A sword cannot be used to strike at spirits.   -3 Magical item has a very inconvenient limitation on use. An invisibility cloak only works at night. A sword cannot be re-sheathed until has tasted blood.   -3 or -4 Item draws mana or quintessence from the user every time it’s used.   -4 Magical item has a very irksome limitation on its use. A sword cannot be re-sheathed until it has taken a life.   -5 Magical item has a crippling limitation that limits a large number of situations you would want to use it such as a sword that cannot be drawn in anger or one that cannot be drawn in the presence of any woman.   -3 Violating the terms of using the item destroys the item or renders it inert at the end of this scene rather than simply shutting them down temporarily.   -2 Item is durable but prone to taking extreme hits that risk damage or destruction. Magical shields and armor fits into this category. Normal wear and tear requires a modest of amount regents to repair periodically.   -4 Item is relatively fragile and fairly well exposed to direct attacks such as a magical cloak. Normal wear and tear requires a modest amount of regents to repair periodically.
Sample Magic Item Quests     500 drams: Item needs to be kissed by a princess before it’s enchanted.   500-1500 drams: The person enchanting the magical item is doing literally involved intimately with every aspect of creating the item starting with mining the base ore. The more processing steps involved, the more valuable this quest is.   1000 drams: Weapon needs to be used to defeat a worthy foe in one-on-one combat before it’s enchanted.   2000 drams: Item needs the blessing of a high ranking priest of all nine of the Nine.   3000 drams: Item involves a paradox or riddle-like challenge or scavenger hunt. The item crafter needs to find impossible things such as “a fool’s brilliance” and “a politician’s sincerity”.   4000 drams: Metal needs to be forged in dragon’s breath.   5000 drams: A powerful spirit needs to willingly allow you to bind it to the item.     500-1500 drams: The person enchanting the magical item is doing literally involved intimately with every aspect of creating the item starting with mining the base ore. The more processing steps involved, the more valuable this quest is.   1000 drams: Weapon needs to be used to defeat a worthy foe in one-on-one combat before it’s enchanted.   2000 drams: Item needs the blessing of a high ranking priest of all nine of the Nine.   3000 drams: Item involves a paradox or riddle-like challenge or scavenger hunt. The item crafter needs to find impossible things such as “a fool’s brilliance” and “a politician’s sincerity”.   4000 drams: Metal needs to be forged in dragon’s breath.   5000 drams: A powerful spirit needs to willingly allow you to bind it to the item.

Articles under Creating permanent or near-permanent magical items

Cover image: Iconic He-Man Trasnformation by Filmation and Matel


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