East Colassian cyclopes

This branch of cyclopes race survived into the Third Age, but they didn’t last particularly long, and are now extinct.   Along the southern coast, the humans tribes that would one day become the Colassian Confederacy were not very tolerant of the cyclopes’ propensity to eat human flesh. Given their reputations, even cyclopes who were innocent of cannibalism couldn't get a fair shake. Further north in the savannas the cyclopes were out competed by the gnolls who bred a lot faster and were generally better at working in groups. The dark elves tried to enslave any cyclops they caught, but they were costly to feed and they tried to resist their masters at every opportunity, rarely if ever successfully breeding in captivity. The last East Colassian Cyclops died in a Kahdisterian slave pen died in the early 1700s.   According to the dark elves, by the cyclopes' own admission, they were created as soldiers for Greymoria in the Second Age, but they forsook their role and sought to distance themselves from their cannon fodder role and instead adopted Korus as their patron. As Greymoria's favorite Children, the dark elves tried to bring cyclopes back into the fold by force.

Cover image: Head of Polephemos (public domain) by Unknown ancient Greek artist


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