Endless Unmakings Conspiracy Theory

Some believe the basic story for how Scarterra came to be is a half-truth at best.


It is generally accepted that the Nine established the First Age, an age of dragons which gave way to an age of elves which gave way to an age humans.   There is a conspiracy theory that Scarterra has an endless array of ages and that dragons and/or the Nine themselves are lying about saying there was nothing before this. It's just that there isn't anyone or anything from previous ages left to prove otherwise. Perhaps the dragons destroyed any survivors or evidence of previous ages, or perhaps the ravages of time alone accomplished this task.

Historical Basis

Common knowledge that everyone knows is that the Nine defeated Turoch during the Divine Rebellion ushering in the First Age ruled by dragons.   Then a foolhardy dragon queen accidentally ushered in the First Unmaking which devestated the world and forced the Nine to rebuild and establish elves as the new dominant race of Scarterra until a foolhardy elven king accidentally ushered in the Second Unmaking forcing the Nine to reset things again and put humans in charge of the Third Age.   What if this isn't the Third Age? What if it's the Fourth Age or the Seventh Age, or the Seventeenth Age? It is just that nothing before the Age of Dragons

Variations & Mutation

Some conspiracy theorists simply believe that since dragons are cunning and selfish and the Nine are callous and unfeeling so they must be hiding something.   Others cite evidence. Scarterra has a fair number of creatures and phenomenon that defy clear classification.   No one knows how tengku came to be. No one knows why ocumati are unlike and grootslangs are so unlike any other living creatures. What about the Fair Folk and Sprites and the entirety of Fae Home.   Basically, an unexplained creature or phenonomenon is viewed as "evidence"

Cultural Reception

"As long as they don't dispute the major events of the the Divine Rebellion and still acknowledge the Nine as the rightful custodians of creation, I don't care if they disagree on ancient history.   -Priest Benek Of The Cult Of The Compact
  Most ordinary Scarterrans, be they lowborn or highborn don't pay much attention to these conspiracy theorists. Religious authorities do take notice   Some priesthoods view these conspiracy theorists as dangerous heretics and others view them as harmless morons with every permutation in between.


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