Insect rancher

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
-Marbuil Redscales, Dwarf salt master
  "Allying with the kalazotz is the smartest thing Meckelorn has done in the last thousand years. One of the many benefits we've gained is access to their culinary lore.   Kalazotz have interesting taste palates to say the least. Few dwarves claim to enjoy eating grubs and the like, but eating bugs is a far cry better than eating dust. The Kalazotz have taught us which insects are nutritious, which are merely edible and which are poisonous. Anyway, with enough spices, almost anything is tasty.   Insect farmers also help us deal with our waste products which is good because not all of our caverns are particularly well-ventilated."
Nuldrun Dragon by Eron12 using Hero Forge
"If I have the choice of eating bat food or starving to death, I need to weigh my options carefully.   One of the side benefits of working in human lands is that no one ever serves me a bowl of grubs."   -Nuldrun Dragonbane, freelance castle engineer.
  Most larger dwarf holds now have active insect farms, predominantly growing edible grubs.



Know about edible bugs, what conditions they thrive in, and be being to deal with gross sights and smells.



To provide edible grubs for the community.

Social Status

Among dwarves this is considered lowly work. Among kalazotz this is considered routine work though even kalazotz don't like the smells involved.


Almost all insect ranchers are kalazotz as most dwarves view it beneath them. A few very thorough forward thinking dwarf salt masters make it a point to learn the basics of insect ranching as part of their job training.


Kalazotz clouds are varied and geographically dispersed throughout Scarterra and Scarnoctis but almost every kalazotz will eat insects of some sort for at least some of their dietary needs.   As the dwarf influenced kalazotz became more sedentary and less nomadic, a lot of them were fascinated by dwarven fungus farmers and many took up the trade, gradually adding insects into the mix, until insect farming became its own thing.
Comissioned Kalazotz Art (smaller version) by Diana Rahfoth
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry
Other Associated professions

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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