Into the Weeds: Redundant Abilities that are Redundant

If a character has two different dice pools for accomplishing the same feat, you can always choose the more advantageous dice pool. A non-exhaustive set of examples follows below.   Gourmet Cooking   Cooking tasty food can be accomplished as Crafts with an area of expertise in "cooking" or it can be achieved with Hearth Wisdom. Most of the time you don't have to roll to cook food unless you are in a cooking contest or are making a complex dish to impress a prince or other very important persons.   Non Gourmet cooking where one is trying to "do more with less" can use Survival or Hearth Wisdom.   Crafting weapons   Making bows and arrows can be crafted with Crafts with an area of expertise in "bowyer/fletcher", can roll Intelligence + Crafts to make a bow or Dexterity + Crafts to make some arrows. Alternatively, you can do the same thing with Intelligence + Archery or Dexterity + Archery if that pool is higher since most archers maintain and construct their own equipment.   Maintaining and crafting weapons can be accomplished with Crafts with an area of expertise "metalworking" or a character with Melee can use that ability to maintain and craft weapons since most professional soldiers take care of their own equipment.   Animal Antics   Tracking is normally covered by Perception + Survival but if your character is tracking game animals, you may roll Perception + Animal Ken if that dice pool is higher. Likewise, Animal Ken is usually used for training animals or controlling animals BUT you can sub in Ride instead if you want to train or control the behavior of horses or other common riding animals.   Appraisals   Appraising an item's value normally requires a Perception + Commerce, but if you character has an area of expertise in the Craft of that item, you can roll Perception + Craft instead.   An archer can roll Perception + Archery to appraise the value of a bow and a warrior can roll Perception + Melee to appraise the value of a melee weapon. An equestrian can roll Perception + Ride to appraise the value of a horse. A musician can roll Perception + Performance to appraise the value of a musical instrument, and so on and so forth.   Theological Might   Making a good impression in social situtations usually involves Charisma + Etiquette or Appearance + Etiquette. Active persuasive efforts normally involve Manipulation + Expression or Charsima + Expression. You can roll Theology in place of Etiquette or Expression when socializing with clergy and religious figures if Theology is higher.   Likewise you can swap out Politics with Theology when dealing with temple or ecclesiastical politics if Theology is higher.   Verbal spewing of male bovine excrement   If you are pretending to be something you are not, this normally involves rolling Subterfuge, but if you have a Performance area of expertise in acting, you can roll Performance instead if that ability is higher.


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