Into the Weeds: Use Magic Device Rare Skill

Characters must have at least a single dot of the Use Magic Device skill to even attempt anything of these things. This assumes a character is using their A-Action. A character may try to activate a magical item with their B-Action at +1 difficulty.   A mage using a divine scroll or a theurgist or favored soul using an arcane scroll must roll Intelligence + Use Magic Device difficulty 7.   A non-spell caster trying to use a scroll needs to roll Intelligence + Use Magic Device difficulty 8.   Any character attempting to use a staff or staff-like device without the command word is Wits + Use Magic Device difficulty 6.   A mage using an arcane wand (or wand-like item) without the command word or a divine caster using a divine wand (or wand-like item) without the command word rolls Wits + Use Magic Device difficulty 6.   Using a wand or wand-like device without the base magical aptitude is Wits + Use Magic Device, difficulty 7. Difficulty is 6 if the character knows the command word.


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